Посмотрите на фотографии и расскажите о «школе вашей мечты». НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ! 10 ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ!))
1) опишите школьные здания на фотографиях.
2) объясните, в какой школе вы хотели бы учиться.
3) Скажите, что должна иметь школа вашей мечты.
4) сравните его с вашей школой.
I am his friend.
Ann ? his friend.
She is fine.
He is fine.
I am fine too.
Is Bob fine?
Is the fox red?
My name is not Nick.
This frog is funny.
The mouse is not brave.
They are smart.
He is not brave.
We are pupils.
We are not students.
Are we friends?
Are you my friend?
Are you a pupil?
Is your sisters pupils?
My cat and my dog are not brave.
I am a student.
Are the frogs stupid?
We are his friends.
Tom and Bob are fine.
My puppy is funny.
My pets are funny.
Is Tom a pupil?
The girls are- slim.
The books are not funny.
He and his sister are fine.
His brothers are strong.
The cat is Iazy.
Is the tiger strong?
Are the tigers fat?
The Iion and the pig are friends.