Посмотрите текст, ошибки переводил переводчик, поэтому ошибок должно быть много, кто нибудь посмотрите dear youth magazine, the letters described the lives of two girls. both have a home. sasha is a house for a full family. for kelly, it's a children's pulp, where she was brought after the death of their parents. both are unhappy, but for different reasons. sasha surrounds mom, dad, brothers and sister, but she was lonely, believes that no one does not understand it,kelly lacks live and affection mom i'm feel sorry for kelly, since she does not remember this family. may take a long time and it will gain a new family.a then she will be caring mother. if i was kelly i would have remembered the difficult situations a family looking at photos with family. i'd made friends with new people. not to feel lonely. i would do their favorite thing, for example, would often start to draw, photograph nature. i wish kelly to find their new parents. i wish that her dreams were made, and that in the future it had a large and happy family