У русских в рационе широко распространены супы, в особенности борщи и щи. На завтрак большинство россиян едят кашу или бутерброды с чем-либо. Традиционная русская еда включает в себя: блины, супы, пельмени и пироги. Широко распространены и хлопья. Салаты русские готовят чаще по праздникам, нежели в обычные дни. Так же со времен пельменей, блинов и прочих мучных (или не полностью мучных) изделий появились вареники. В России на праздники часто готовят бутерброды с икрой. В обычные же дни русские делают это редко. Пироги русские часто делают с фруктами, ягодами или овощами. Однако, есть те, кто предпочитают начинку из яиц, семечек или мяса.
People are constantly in the process of development, and try to invent something unusual to facilitate life. When there is something new, the old slowly fades into the background, and people stop using it. So it happened with the newspapers. Now it is the age of technology and we can hardly imagine our life without phones, laptops, the Internet, television. But before there were not all this, and the newspapers were the only source of information. They had a particular value during the war, because the people learned about the fate of their relatives from them. Newspapers carry out an information function. There are many different types of newspaper publications: for children, for men, for women, advertising-information, political, financial, sports, automotive. Illustrated, colorful newspapers are being produced. In addition to the main topics, they contain crossword puzzles, short news of culture and sports, recipes, cognitive articles and anecdotes. Newspapers are especially useful for those who study foreign languages, since there is a huge choice in many languages. To date, people are increasingly turning to the Internet, and the need for printed news is declining. Among the English-language publications the most popular are the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the China Daily. The Russian press includes Arguments and Facts, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Evening Moscow. But fortunately, there are still those who read fresh news every day at breakfast and enjoy the smell of paint and the feeling of paper in their hands.
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