Life without new technologies is impossible for the modern man. Due to the rapid development of Internet modern world has changed beyond recognition. Every day, people can easily communicate on the network, even if they live in different countries. In my opinion, new technologies make our lives better.In addition, to learn new information is much more convenient to use the Internet.On the other hand, you can see the negative side .and there are many people. So that schitayut.Oni say that modern people spend more time on the Internet than in a live talk, become more closed.In conclusion we can say that modern technology more positives than otritsatelnyh.Ya think with technology our life much more interesting.
I really want this year to remember me forever. After all, this year, I went through a lot, really known all the delights of life. Before, I did not know how beautiful can be an ordinary small town. I did not know how many memories hidden in a conventional playground, where I played a few years ago. It was this year presented to me all of these experiences, this year, I thought a lot and realized. I very much want to in 2016 was as vivid and memorable as 2015. Friends, I wish that you, too, were under the influence of unusual moments in life that will stay with you forever. Congratulations to all a Happy! Be happy!