, поставьте слова на места ladder, recruitment, placement, candidates, process, subject, shortlisted, cover, attend, foreign
‘When you graduate from university, many of you may feel that your degree (11) hasnt really prepared you to make the first step onto the career (12) . A work (13) abroad can be a great solution, offering you the chance to combine hands-on work experience with the adventure of (14) travel. A word of advice: once youve chosen where you want to look for work, its a good idea to find out about the application (15) . For example, you need to know whether to send a (16) letter with your CV. Its also good to know how many interviews you will be invited to (17) , if you are fortunate enough to be one of the (18) to be (19) . Alternatively, you could use an international (20) agency, who will help you with all these things as well as informing you what jobs are available internationally.
Change the verbs in brackets into the past tense. Some are regular and
some are irregular.
Yesterday was 1).
busy day. I woke
up at 6am, had 3)
breakfast quickly and
then I went 4).
to work. I finished 4).
at noon
and then ate
some lunch.
Afterwards I drove
to the shops, bought 7).
some paint and then
painted 8)
my bedroom. My housemate came
home from work so I helped 10.
him paint
his room, then we repaired 11)
his chair. After that I cleaned
my house. I vacuumed 13).
all the
downstairs and then tidied 14).
up the living room and the
kitchen. I was pretty tired by then so I ate 15).
some dinner and
went 16)
to bed!
6 Что эти предложения говорят нам о чувствах Мэгги? Совместите их с (a - f) 1 Ее щеки были красными. (строка 18) 2 Она почувствовала неожиданную боль (строка 23) 3 Ее щеки потеряли цвет, а рот начал немного дрожать. (строка 26) 4 Она топнула ногой и подтолкнула Тома. (строка 28) 5 Ее щеки и уши начали гореть. (строки 33-34) 6 Ее сердце переполнилось, и она заплакала. (строки 42-43) a злой b очень расстроенный c удивленный внезапным чувством боли возбужденный и получающий удовольствие e очень смущенный f взволнованный и теряющий уверенность