In homes with the celebration of Christmas are the Christmas tree, over the door hanging sprigs of Holly, ivy and mistletoe. The main gifts given here on Christmas eve, but on New year it is common to exchange postcards and small Souvenirs. It is believed that new year's eve, like Christmas, to children comes Santa Claus. Before you go to bed, they leave him treats in specially prepared wooden shoes, and put on the table a plate for gifts.
For new year's table is served a traditional holiday meal: Turkey with chestnuts and fried potatoes, meat pies, braised Brussels sprouts, oatcakes, roasted goose, and steaks. Followed by favorite English desserts, including pudding, Apple pie, fruit and sweets. Traditional Christmas drink is punch.
The most famous of British Christmas traditions – meeting the first guest. It is believed that the year will be successful, if after midnight, the house first comes a dark-haired young man. However, he needs to bring a gift to the owners of bread, coal and salt – symbols of food, warmth and prosperity. A visitor throws a piece of coal in the fireplace. After that, all your family members congratulate each other and treat guests.
Once it was Winnie the Pooh on the road, saw the old house and thought:-What a scary house! There's probably ghosts. Hmm... Never seen a Ghost. You have to look! And went to bear in the old-old house. There were animals and they have something under his breath said, and Winnie-the-Pooh was interesting and he said to the animals:-Comrades, friends! You are there under his nose whispering? Where you fell?And they got mad at Winnie the Pooh and attack him decided!And then ran the patch and all the animals fled. Here is the adventure happened with Winnie the Pooh.
Однажды шёл Винни Пух по дороге, увидел старый дом и подумал:-Какой страшный дом! Там наверное призраки живут. Хм... Никогда не видел призраков. Надо посмотреть! И пошёл мишка в старый-старый дом. Там были животные и они что-то там себе под нос говорили, а Винни Пуху интересно стало и он сказал тем животным:-Товарищи-друзья! Что вы там себе под нос шепчете? Вы откуда свалились?А они разозлились на Винни Пуха и напасть на него решили!А тут прибежал Пятачок и все животные разбежались. Вот такое приключение получилось у Винни Пуха.
For new year's table is served a traditional holiday meal: Turkey with chestnuts and fried potatoes, meat pies, braised Brussels sprouts, oatcakes, roasted goose, and steaks. Followed by favorite English desserts, including pudding, Apple pie, fruit and sweets. Traditional Christmas drink is punch.
The most famous of British Christmas traditions – meeting the first guest. It is believed that the year will be successful, if after midnight, the house first comes a dark-haired young man. However, he needs to bring a gift to the owners of bread, coal and salt – symbols of food, warmth and prosperity. A visitor throws a piece of coal in the fireplace. After that, all your family members congratulate each other and treat guests.
Однажды шёл Винни Пух по дороге, увидел старый дом и подумал:-Какой страшный дом! Там наверное призраки живут. Хм... Никогда не видел призраков. Надо посмотреть! И пошёл мишка в старый-старый дом. Там были животные и они что-то там себе под нос говорили, а Винни Пуху интересно стало и он сказал тем животным:-Товарищи-друзья! Что вы там себе под нос шепчете? Вы откуда свалились?А они разозлились на Винни Пуха и напасть на него решили!А тут прибежал Пятачок и все животные разбежались. Вот такое приключение получилось у Винни Пуха.