Потрібен твір по темі Sport in Our Life.
1. The use of port in our life.
II Sport in your life:
1. What you should do to keep fit and health.
2. Ho you keep fit:(in the morning; at school; during a day)
III Your favourite kind of sports:
1. When and where you go in for this sport and how long:
2. Why you like this sport/what is use of it.
IV Sum up: your recommendations.
In nature everything is interconnected. Man and animal - children of the same nature - the mother. They help each other. Animals feel the caring, affection, and the owner meet the same.
Dog - the first domestic animal, which appeared for a long time near the man. It helps keep the house, at a glance she understands the owner.
And what are the true horse! How are they attached to the man! Who made them tame, and that their boss. During the war, they saved a lot of people. Animals - our friends. They must love, and they repay you loyalty. Many of these people put up a monument.
Plays a significant role in our lives wild animals. Many of them hunt, and they give us their meat, skin, milk. But wild animals can not hunt too often - many of them are listed as endangered and may disappear from the face of the earth. We must protect wildlife and care for her, and then the animals will always be your friends.
About 20 years ago, children and adults didn't have computers with internet and mass media was had some frames about information that is allowed for everybody. As for now, sex, drugs and cigarettes become normal things that can be propagandized in movies, advertisements and so on. Because of this "freedom", children become adult faster than it was before.
If it was normal to start having sex at 18-20 years old in the past, so for now, teenagers have their first experience at 14-17 in average. But we can not say that girls at this age can be prescribed contraceptives due to the fact that it is a hormone interfere and it can harm the health. Actually, not every girl is allowed to use contraceptives because it depends on individuals. Moreover, these pills must be ascertained by doctor permission.
Therefore, the best option is to abstain having sex at so early age or, in other case, to use condom.