Повторите выражения определения. Найдите определения и переведите предложения. A. 1. This is an excellent computer which will give you many years of service. 2. The number of men present was small. 3. Per¬sonal laser printers cost less than ordinary laser printer. They also weigh less and require less space. 4. Do you know the total number of colours available on this graphics system? 5. Supercomputers ca¬pable of performing billions of operations a second will have to be developed soon. 6. Ten miles is a long distance to walk. 7. Any me¬chanic could do that job. 8. Digital television has many features that are absent from conventional TV, such as easy connection to computers and telecommunication networks. 9. E-mail is a very fast data communication service. For e-mail to get a message to the other side of the world is a matter of a second or two. 10. The fac¬tory has computer controlled production equipment.
B. 1. Tell me about the report you are preparing now. 2. A new radio set Ted has is a Zenith. 3. Ten hours of work a day is the maximum you should do. 4. Do you know about the disco the Uni¬versity is organising? 5. The news we have heard this week is of great importance. 6. You have been given all the information you need. 7. I collected all the information I could find on the Internet about this subject. 8. With the new system you will be able to gen¬erate statistics any time you want. 9. Writing letters and reports are the purposes most people use computers for. 10. Composite mate¬rials we learnt about are the combination of metals, ceramics, glasses and polymers produced without chemical reactions. 11. Weightlessness the production of new materials depend on cannot be created on the earth for a long period of time. 12. The TV sets people saw at the New York Fair in 1939 were not available for a long time because of World War II. 13. Metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers composite materials consist of have properties different from those of the obtained composite material.
Usually I read books by russian poets. (Я обычно читаю книги русских поэтов)
I think that reading is a popular free time activity today because in free time we can relax by reading books. ( Я думаю, что чтение популярное занятие для свободного времени, потому что в свободное время мы можем отдохнуть, читая книги.)
1. I look out the window. I see Jane. She is just crossing the street.
2. Where are you going to spend the weekend?
-As usual, out of town. Would you like to join us?
3. Whose dictionary is this?
- He belongs to Tom.
“No, Tom doesn't have such a dictionary.”
4. What languages do you speak?
“I speak English, German, and a little French.” And you?
“And I only speak English.”
5. What language do they speak now?
- I think they are talking
- Do you know french? Do you understand what they are about
they say?
- I do not know French well, but I understand that they are discussing some kind of problem regarding the book business.
6. The weather is changing. Is getting warm. - Yes, it really gets warmer. Spring is approaching.
7. Who makes purchases in your family? Usually my dad is shopping, and mom is cooking. However, sometimes mom has to shop and cook.
8. Do you smell this? This is mom making dinner. We will have something delicious for lunch.
9. Dad is watching TV again. Ask him to come to the kitchen and help me.
- Mom, you know, he always looks at this sports program. Don't bother him. Let me help you.
- Okay.
10. Where is Tom and Ben?
- Play chess.
- Play chess? Ask them to hurry. We leave in an hour, and they're not ready.
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