I love travellimg by bus. Because it is so amazing and interesting. Usually I go to school by bus. And go from the school to home by bus too. Travelling by bus... It is more interest than it. I like go to by bus. Because it is interesting. Bus is make it more amazing and interesting. I like bus
Ну...Крч вот так. МНого слов интерестинг. В голову кроме этих ничего не пришло. Там где пишешь куда тебе нравиться пойти с автобусом а там где какую марку или цвет автобуса любишь. Если не нрав. можешь дать руское сочинение . Могу перевести на англ
Hobbies in our lives are an integral part of many. Many different Hobbies you can try and what you really like and you will strive to do it then congratulations you have found a hobby. Yes, it is possible that you can use this to find a new profession in your life. Example:I have a friend who is an artist and her hobby is drawing and she will continue to work as an artist(good luck to her in achieving this). Well, I can't say anything about my hobby, because I haven't found a worthy hobby yet. What is your hobby?
I love travellimg by bus. Because it is so amazing and interesting. Usually I go to school by bus. And go from the school to home by bus too. Travelling by bus... It is more interest than it. I like go to by bus. Because it is interesting. Bus is make it more amazing and interesting. I like bus
Ну...Крч вот так. МНого слов интерестинг. В голову кроме этих ничего не пришло. Там где пишешь куда тебе нравиться пойти с автобусом а там где какую марку или цвет автобуса любишь. Если не нрав. можешь дать руское сочинение . Могу перевести на англ
Hobbies in our lives are an integral part of many. Many different Hobbies you can try and what you really like and you will strive to do it then congratulations you have found a hobby. Yes, it is possible that you can use this to find a new profession in your life. Example:I have a friend who is an artist and her hobby is drawing and she will continue to work as an artist(good luck to her in achieving this). Well, I can't say anything about my hobby, because I haven't found a worthy hobby yet. What is your hobby?