пож выписать ключевые слова Waste management is a serious challenge of modern society. On average 445 kilogram of garbage is discarded per person every year in Russia. Only a small percentage of it is recycled and the rest of the rubbish is dumped or incinerated. It causes environmental problems and eventually puts at risk our health.
Many countries such as Germany or Japan recycle most of the garbage. The key is a separate collection for all types of solid waste. Of course it requires efforts by both citizens and governments. But it is the best alternative to dumps.
There are a lot of ways to recycle sorted waste. Plastic is used to produce construction materials or even fleece fabrics. Glass is melted for further use. Compost is a good fertilizer. Old clothes may either become a cleaning material or be sold in second-hand shops. Several countries even build new islands of solid waste!
Incineration might be acceptable option for several types of litter if the plant is modern and does not pollute the air. Such plants in Europe embody the concept “waste-to-energy”. They produce electricity from heat.
There are separate waste collection points in Russian cities, but not nearly enough. I think we need them in every yard instead of big trash containers. I hope one day we will have them.
It is very important not to put batteries in your trash can, because there are a lot of harmful chemicals in them. If the battery is dumped those chemicals seep to the soil and water and make it poisonous. There are battery collection containers in several retail chains such as Eldorado.
One more thing we can do to reduce the amount of garbage is to use our own bag instead of buying a new one every time in the shop.
народ бушующий и тихий, жестокий на поле битвы и широко душевный в мирном общение и т.п. разносторонность души не знает границ, и совмещает в себе несовметимые качества.
нет, не хотела бы, иначе общество потеряет моральные принципы, "браки заключаются на небесах", люди перестанут доверять друг другу, общество начнет держать на похоти и распущенности, дети будут расти не в полноценный семьях, если вообще буду рождаться, и в конце концов, общество потеряет смысл бытия.