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08.05.2023 18:14 •  Английский язык

Practical Princess Princess Miliena was as lovely as the moon shining upon a lake. She was as graceful as a cat. And she was also very practical, always ready to take actions instead of dreaming. When she was born, three fairies came to her cradle to give her gifts as it was usual in that country. The first fairy gave her beauty. The second one gave her grace. But the third one, who was a wise old creature, said, "I' II give her common sense". "I don't think much of that gift", said King Ludwig. "What is good in common sense for a princess? All she needs is charm". But when Miliena was eighteen years old, something happened that made king change his mind. A dragon moved into the neighbourhood. He settled in a dark cave on the top of mountain, and the first thing he did was to send a message to the king. "I must have a princess to eat up", the message said, "or I shall breathe out my fire and destroy the kingdom". Sadly, Kind Ludwig called together his councilors, chosen to give advices, and read them the message. "Perhaps", said the Prime Minister, "we had better send for a knight to kill the dragon. That is what is generally done in these cases". "I am afraid we haven't time", answered the king. The dragon has only given us time until tomorrow morning. There is no use in it. We shall have to send him the princess". Princess Miliena had come to the meeting because, as she said, she liked to mind her own business, and this was certainly her business. "That may be so", said her father, "but if we don't send you along, he'll destroy the kingdom". "Right!" said Miliena. "I see I'll have to deal with this myself". She left the room in which the council sat. She got the largest brightest one of her state dresses, filled it with straw, and into the center of the bundle she packed about a hundred pounds of gunpowder. She got two strong young men to carry it up the mountain for her. She stood in front of the dragon's cave and called: "Come out! Here's the princess!" The dragon appeared looking out of the darkness with inSeeing the bright dress covered with gold and silver embroidery, and hearing Miliena's voice, he opened his mouth widely. At once, at Miliena 's signal, the two young men threw the dress right down the dragon's throat. Miliena threw herself flat on the ground, and the two young men ran. There was a great explosion inside the dragon. Miliena got up, dusting herself off. "Dragons", she said "are not very bright".
She left the two young men sweeping up the pieces, and she went to the castle to have her geography lesson, for as you know, she was very practical!

Reading 10 th form
Variant 1

I. Point out if the statement is true (T) or false (F).
1. Miliena was very beautiful.
2. The dragon came to their country because he heard about Miliena's beauty.
3. The Dragon wanted to eat up a princess.
4. The king wasn't glad with the third fairy's gift.
5. The dragon settled under a big mountain.
6. The dragon promised to burn the kingdom down.

II. Put into the sentences some missing words.
1. Princess Miliena was as as a cat.
2. A dragon moved into the .
3. The dragon has only given us until tomorrow morning.
4. I see I'll have with this myself.
5. She got two strong young men to carry it up the for her.
6. The two young men threw the dress right down the dragon's .

III. Answer the questions on the text:
1 What had happened when Miliena was a baby?
2. What do the following words mean: "She was very practical"?
3. What had happened when Miliena was 18?
4. What was in the message?
5. Why did the king gather his councilors?
6. Why did Miliena come to the meeting?

IV. Write a short composition answering the question:
“What shall you do if you were a dragon in these case?”

Показать ответ
05.06.2023 01:28
Диснейленд Диснейленд или парк является первым из двух тематических парков, построенных на Диснейленда в Калифорнии и открытых на Семнадцатого июля 1955 года Уолт Дисней разработал этот парк и руководил его строительством. Идея создания такого парка пришло на ум Уолта Диснея, когда он посетил msny парки развлечений со своими маленькими дочерьми в 1930 году и 1940 году.В настоящее время существует пять Диснейленд парков в мире. Более шестисот пятидесяти миллионов гостей посетили парки Уолта Диснея по всему миру. Диснейленд является самым популярным тематический парк в мире.Диснейленд парки состоят из восьми тему '', 'земли'. Есть много замечательных аттракционов, популярных достопримечательностей и площадки там. Диснейленд также развлекательная программа по всему парку. Дети могут увидеть многие персонажи Диснея приветствие посетителей, взаимодействуя с ними, и позируют для фотографий. На многих праздников посетители могут насладиться прекрасными фейерверк-шоу. Каждый ребенок мечтает о посещении Диснейленда парков и насладиться атмосферой!вот нормально 
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11.03.2022 04:19
1. The solar lamps are lighting the tunnel. The solar lamps were lighting the tunnel. The solar lamps will be lighting the tunnel.
2. The scientist is developing a new source of energy. The scientist was developing a new source of energy. The scientist will be developing a new source of energy.
3. The engineers are working at the problem of using solar power. The engineers were working at the problem of using solar power. The engineers will be working at the problem of using solar power.
4. The people are not using poor methods of research. The people were not using poor methods of research. The people will not be using poor methods of research.
5. The students are not having an interesting discussion. The students were not having an interesting discussion. The students will not be having an interesting discussion.
6. The sun is not shining brightly. The sun was not shining brightly. The sun will not be shining brightly.
7. The workers are complaining about unsafe working conditions. The workers were complaining about unsafe working conditions. The workers will be complaining about unsafe working conditions.
8. The government is trying to protect consumers. The government was trying to protect consumers. The government will be trying to protect consumers.
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