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06.04.2022 21:34 •  Английский язык

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The news programme ( is watched / watched ) by millions of people every day.
The Mona Liza ( painted / was painted ) by Leonardo da Vinchi.
The new cinema ( be built / will be built ) next year.
New pop groups ( are much spoken / is much spoken ) about among teenagers.
Alexander Pushkin’s first poem ( was written / written ) when he was fourteen.
The letters (be sent / will be sent ) by post tomorrow.
The translation (was finished / were finished ) two hours ago.
London ( visited / is visited ) by hundreds of tourists every year.
The dinner ( be / will be ) ready in an hour (через час).
The dogs (were taken out/ was taken out) three times yesterday.

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23.05.2023 13:59

ответ: Написал


Excellence in customer service is the objective of all organisations wishing to be successful. However, there is often a gap between customer expectations and management perceptions of customer expectations. Organisations often fail to get close to their customers and correctly read their expectations. Customers expect certain things when they walk into a business, and those with the highest level of service will know how to identify those expectations and meet them to the customer’s satisfaction.

However, this process is not as easy as it sounds – customer expectations are a dynamic feature that ebbs and flows regularly in accordance with a wide range of factors. However, when expectations are not met by the performance of your customer service representatives, customer dissatisfaction is the result. Customer Expectations + Service Performance = Customer Satisfaction The quality of your customer service is almost wholly determined by your ability to meet your customer expectations. You can have the greatest service team, but if your customers perceive their needs are not being met, your service reputation suffers.

By the same token, companies that don’t spend much time worrying about customer service – but manage to meet customer expectations consistently – are perceived as offering good customer service. Service quality is largely determined by customer’s perception, which is why meeting customer expectations is an essential part of the process. Identifying Customer Expectations Because customer expectations are an ever-evolving process, it can be very challenging to know precisely what those expectations might be.

The best course of action is to take the question directly to your customer base through a variety of customer service research techniques. Have customer’s complete surveys about your products and service. Provide incentive for them to complete that survey, such as entry into a drawing for an enticing prize. Next time you see a customer, ask if his expectations of your business are being met. If not, find out why and what you can do to make your service better. Common Expectations to Consider Some of the most common and basic expectations customers have for most businesses included: • Fast, efficient and accurate service

High quality products at a competitive price • Friendly, helpful service staff to provide information and answer questions • Prompt responses to their inquiries, whether online, by phone or in person • Sufficient stock to meet their needs without long waits • A trained staff that can handle their questions without referring them on • A clean facility or easy to navigate website All of these expectations comprise the minimum of what your top-notch service should look like. Additional expectations may arise from your customer research, which you can address on an individual basis. Benefits of Meeting Expectations


When you are able to accurately identify and adequately meet your customers’ expectations, your customer service reputation will automatically be enhanced. Some of the benefits of meeting your customers’ expectations include: • Customers that transform from first-time visitors to loyal clients • Increased sales as customers feel more comfortable doing business with you • More referrals from satisfied customers who bring in additional business by word of mouth There is no doubt that adequately meeting customer expectations is an essential part of a robust customer service department.

By accurately identifying those expectations, and meeting or exceeding them consistently, your company is likely to enjoy happier customers and a healthier bottom line. Other reasons for customer service problems include:not listening to or collecting information from customers * poor, or no, focus on the actual design of processes to turn identified customer needs into products and services * gaps between what the organisation intends to produce for its customers and what its systems do actually produce * gaps between what the system is intended to deliver for customers and what it actually does deliver * cost constraints, or failure to set and meet realistic performance standards, which affect what the organisation can actually deliver * poor staff attitudes, training levels and working materials * gaps between what salespeople promise and the actual service or product quality The Voice of the Customer (VOC) is a process that ensures the customer’s voice is deployed throughout a product’s or service’s design, production, marketing, delivery, and after-sales service.

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17.05.2023 10:46
Кожен день все більше і більше тварин і рослин, що знаходяться під загрозою вимирання. Їх природні місця проживання руйнуються в результаті діяльності людини. Ліси очищаються для сільського господарства або житлового будівництва. Океани і річки забруднені. Тварини полюють з різних причин. WWF (Всесвітній фонд природи) склав список зникаючих видів. Ось деякі з них.
Є 5 різних видів носорогів. Двоє з них живуть в Африці і три в Азії. Є тільки 11 тисяч носорогів залишилося в світі. Вони вбивають для спорту. Вони також полюють за їх рогів. У деяких країнах вважається, що роги носорогів "має магічну силу. Їх роги також використовується в азіатській медицині. У Ємені, ріг традиційно використовується для прикраси ножів.

Панди живуть на південному заході Китаю. Вони визнані їх чорно-білих халатах, але коли вони бом, вони не мають ніяких волосся. Вони їдять бамбук і витратити близько 16 годин в день годування. Бамбукові лісу в Китаї очищаються для сільського господарства, тому там менше бамбука для панд. Вони також вбивають за їх пальто. Це незаконно, але високі ціни платять - так poachers1 готові взяти на себе ризик. Вважається, є тільки близько 2000 панд в світі залишилося.

черепахи моря зустрічаються в теплих океанах світу. Вони полюють через їх раковин і м'яса. Вони живуть в море, але вони дихають повітрям і відкладають яйця на пляжі. Яйця часто пошкоджені. Дитячі черепахи мають всього кілька годин, щоб дістатися до моря. Вони часто поїдають інших тварин.

Африканський слон є найбільшим ссавцем на землі. Слони вбивають за їх бивні. Ікла продаються на нелегальному ринку. Вони експортуються і використовуються для виготовлення ювелірних виробів. Країни, де зі слонової кістки незаконно ввозяться або вивозяться повинні наполегливо працювати, щоб зупинити торгівлю. Навіть якщо торгівля слонової кістки припиняється, майбутнє африканського слона не добре. Зростаюче населення Африки робить його важким для слона herds3 знайти великі ділянки землі в яких вони потребують
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