Амелия Беделия пошла в другую сторону. Она увидела надпись на окне. Надпись гласила : Требуется делопроизводитель. "Теперь я стану делопроизводителем?" сказала она. "Как раз я зайду и узнаю" Мужчина встретил её : Вы хотите стать делопроизводителем? - сказал он. "Я буду одна - сказала Амелия беделия, если вы скажете, что мне надо делать" "Хорошо" - сказал мужчина. "Первое. возьмите эти письма. Нужно наклеить на них марки. Потом. зарегистрируй и разложи по папкам". "Я сделаю это- сказала Амелия Беделия, Мужчина пошёл в сой офис. Амелия посмотрела на письма. "Сейчас я наклею марки все сразу или по одной? " задумалась она. " Лучше будет сделать по одной" Амелия брала каждое письмо. Она клала их на пол и наступала на них. "Этих марок будет достаточно. Сейчас лучше действительно получить эти папки" Амелия посмотрела на бумаги. Затем она посмотрела на своё кошелёк. Она нашла пилочку для ногтей "Этого мало, чтобы заполнить папки" , Но я сделаю, это. лучшее, что я могу" И Амелия начала заполнять папки. Мужчина вернулся. "Остановись" - сказал он. "Что ты делаешь?" "Я заполняю папки" - сказала Амелия. "У вас есть папки больше?" "О. нет" сказал мужчина. "Уходите" . Амелия беделия ушла.
Computer is firmly settled in my daily life. I just use it as needed nadobnosti.On almost always. If you want to write the essay, I type it on the computer if you find any information, I'm looking for it on the Internet, again with the help of computer. Even the movies we already look on the Internet, as it is much more convenient and saves time. Now all the documents you need to make, typed on a computer, where you can check for errors or to find the right design proposals. Computer can do almost everything, he believes, it checks the error, it highlights what is wrong with a computer you can watch movies, read books, listen to music. Something for which earlier had to have a variety of devices, now requires only a computer. It is very convenient and, of course, all around now use your computer and all are very happy. Computer greatly helps to save time, but on the other hand, on the contrary it takes him. For example, if we start playing some games on the computer or to correspond with friends, time just flies, and no one notices how fast it goes. Because of this, you can not manage anything and spend the whole day sitting at a computer. For the computer to become a friend and assistant, not a killer time, you need to be able to control yourself and use it properly useful resources. In this case, the computer will save a lot of time and do a lot of things for a couple of hours. If constantly distracted by social networks and interesting pictures, nothing good will come of it
Now all the documents you need to make, typed on a computer, where you can check for errors or to find the right design proposals. Computer can do almost everything, he believes, it checks the error, it highlights what is wrong with a computer you can watch movies, read books, listen to music. Something for which earlier had to have a variety of devices, now requires only a computer. It is very convenient and, of course, all around now use your computer and all are very happy.
Computer greatly helps to save time, but on the other hand, on the contrary it takes him. For example, if we start playing some games on the computer or to correspond with friends, time just flies, and no one notices how fast it goes. Because of this, you can not manage anything and spend the whole day sitting at a computer. For the computer to become a friend and assistant, not a killer time, you need to be able to control yourself and use it properly useful resources. In this case, the computer will save a lot of time and do a lot of things for a couple of hours. If constantly distracted by social networks and interesting pictures, nothing good will come of it