Преобразует из пассивного залога или в пассивный залог 1) Dad cooked dinner yesterday. 2) Natasha will ask Pete about it tomorrow. 3) The children gave wrong answers. 4) Granny made a cherry bie last Sunday. 5) Vanya took the book to bed with him.
1) Cultivating implement - культивирующий инструмент cultivated field - пашня (культивируемое поле) changing temperature - меняющаяся температура changed temperature -измененная температура growing crop - растущий урожай grown crop - выращенный урожай seeded grain - посеянное зерно seeding farmer - сеющий фермер given information - предоставленная информация
2) 1 Им следует делать это каждый день. Should they do it every day? They should not do it every day.2 Она может им с покупками сегодня. Can she help them to do shopping today? She can't help them to do shopping today.3 Мы должны принять и обслужить наших гостей хорошо. Must we must receive and serve our guests very well? We must not receive and serve our guests very well.4 Ты можешь взять этот учебник. May you take this text-book? You may not take this text-book.5 Я могу купить продукты сегодня. Can I buy products today? I can't buy products today.
Much has changed in the world today. And childrens not the same as before.Today teens are more independent and they have other interests.So they are definitely lazier than before.Computer and internet are the root of more changers in the sotiety.Many teens spend their time online in our telepfones or tablets.They are playing computer games,chating with friends, surfin their networks and others. Modern children can not imagine their life without tellephones,tablets and MP3 plaers. All this replaced tham those toys whous where in childhood.From the one hand, it is certainly not good. Many childrens now more luckier than other generations for heaving the freedom of choise and life full of posibilities.They find many answes of dificult problems in internet without disturbing their parents.Now chidren more independent and it is not bad.
Cultivating implement - культивирующий инструмент cultivated field - пашня (культивируемое поле) changing temperature - меняющаяся температура changed temperature -измененная температура growing crop - растущий урожай grown crop - выращенный урожай seeded grain - посеянное зерно seeding farmer - сеющий фермер given information - предоставленная информация
2) 1 Им следует делать это каждый день. Should they do it every day? They should not do it every day.2 Она может им с покупками сегодня. Can she help them to do shopping today? She can't help them to do shopping today.3 Мы должны принять и обслужить наших гостей хорошо. Must we must receive and serve our guests very well? We must not receive and serve our guests very well.4 Ты можешь взять этот учебник. May you take this text-book? You may not take this text-book.5 Я могу купить продукты сегодня. Can I buy products today? I can't buy products today.
Modern children can not imagine their life without tellephones,tablets and MP3 plaers. All this replaced tham those toys whous where in childhood.From the one hand, it is certainly not good. Many childrens now more luckier than other generations for heaving the freedom of choise and life full of posibilities.They find many answes of dificult problems in internet without disturbing their parents.Now chidren more independent and it is not bad.