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Образец: When we convert water into ice we do not change its composition. – On (in) converting water into ice we do not change its composition.
1. When minute ice crystals have formed they grow rapidly by deposition from vapour.
2. When we subject air to very great pressure and cooling it is possible to transform it to the liquid state.
3. When sea salts burst the air bubbles they enter the atmosphere.
1) I wonder if any of you here know that 70% of working young people between the ages of 18 and 30 make savings regularly or at least occasionally?
2) I am a student and I am saving money. Our society has already established such values of a good standard of living as having an apartment, a car, a fur coat and expensive accessories. My saved money helps me maintain this level.
3) Almost a quarter of young people who make savings save money for various unforeseen circumstances that can lead to a sharp deterioration in health (accidents, illnesses, accidents), 17% save for an apartment, 16% — for travel and recreation, 12% — for apartment repairs and car purchases.
4) Why is it so important for modern people to make savings? The modern world is such that almost all problems can be solved with the help of money.