Present Continuous Tense Exercise 1.) She baxing the chocolate cake. bake 2.) I reading my favorite novel. read 3.) John Lenthina Mathematics in this school. teach 4.) Is he not ? cry 5.) 1 cold. feel 6.) He is not upon his sins. repent 7.) You my opinion criticize 8.) Burglar the house by the window. enter 9.) Is she for me? look 10.) Why are you here? stand 11.) The fisherman fish. catch 12.) When are the guests here? arrive 13.) kite. fly 14.) The doctor freauia the patients. treat | 15.) The people to the park. come
структура пресент кантиниус: i am + Ving
they are + Ving
she id +Ving
поэтому, she IS BACKING
is teachING и так далее