a) When did you first visit the ship? Which ship did you visit? Who showed you the ship? What did the crew members do during your visit? What did you see on the ship? What are the main areas of the ship? What did you like the most about this ship?
b) Last year we visited a cargo ship. This is a modern vessel. This vessel has a lot of sophisticated modern equipment. When we arrived, the crew was preparing the ship for loading. Some sailors cleaned the holds, others checked the winches. Everyone was busy. We examined almost (almost) all of the ship's rooms. Most of all I liked the navigation equipment on the bridge. The crew members told us a lot about their work. We would like to sail on such a vessel.
a) When did you first visit the ship? Which ship did you visit? Who showed you the ship? What did the crew members do during your visit? What did you see on the ship? What are the main areas of the ship? What did you like the most about this ship?
b) Last year we visited a cargo ship. This is a modern vessel. This vessel has a lot of sophisticated modern equipment. When we arrived, the crew was preparing the ship for loading. Some sailors cleaned the holds, others checked the winches. Everyone was busy. We examined almost (almost) all of the ship's rooms. Most of all I liked the navigation equipment on the bridge. The crew members told us a lot about their work. We would like to sail on such a vessel.
10. Найдите и прочтите вслух: названия одежды; названия частей тела: слова, которые сравнивать вещи; слова, которые описывать вещи; названия животных. присматривать, умный, чепчик, учить, шапка, длинный, лев, короткий, носить - носил, волк, умнее, джинсы, волки, интересный, самый короткий, туфли, голова, шея, сапоги, хвост, волосы, брюки , хуже, короче, плохо, свитер, глаз, должен, рот, левый, нос, право, ухо, куртка, лучше, разное, дерево, расти - рос, домашний, любимый, лицо, дикий, (худший), рубашка , животное, быстро, ступня - ступни, блузка, нога, тело, медленно, шорты, плечо, юбка, палец, (лучшее), быстро, носок, колготки, овца - овца, пальто, медленно, хомяк, красиво, пальто большой, попугай, симпатичный, дождевик, ну варежки, надевал-надевал, перчатки, снимал-снимал, плохо.
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