Дружба на всю жизнь - to have a lifelong friendship, сразу нажать - to click straight away, согласиться друг с другом - to agree with each other, подло вести себя по отношению к людям - to be mean to people, чувствовать себя разочарованным - to feel disappointed, стыдиться самого себя - to feel ashamed of oneself, ссориться с кем-то - to fall out with somebody, держаться вместе - to stick together, помириться с кем-то - to make up with somebody, иметь значение - to matter, подвести кого-то - to let somebody down , хихикать - to giggle, скучать по кому-то - to miss somebody, запугивать кого-то - to bully somebody, чувствовать себя неловким - to feel awkward, чтобы посмеяться - to have laugh, обратиться за к кому-либо - to turn to somebody for help, иметься хорошее чувство юмора - to have a good sense of humour, полагаться на кого-либо - to rely on somebody.
Reading is making yourself rich and clever. It gives you so many possibilities, that after reading one book, you feel yourself as in the top of the mountain. First of all, I would like to mention reading materials. I prefer to read the real book, despite there are special technologies for it, like: electronic books, mobile phones and so on. I think that nothing could be compared with smell of a real, ancient book. Secondly, there are many types of books: fantastic, science-fiction, detective, mystery and horror, comics, drama and etc. I like books, because the make me feel myself comfortable and one of such books is...(любимая книга, про жанр который Вы написали выше). Many people like detective and horror books, but tastes differ. However, I think that it does not matter what kind of book you read, because every book is significant and full of clever things.
First of all, I would like to mention reading materials. I prefer to read the real book, despite there are special technologies for it, like: electronic books, mobile phones and so on. I think that nothing could be compared with smell of a real, ancient book.
Secondly, there are many types of books: fantastic, science-fiction, detective, mystery and horror, comics, drama and etc. I like books, because the make me feel myself comfortable and one of such books is...(любимая книга, про жанр который Вы написали выше). Many people like detective and horror books, but tastes differ.
However, I think that it does not matter what kind of book you read, because every book is significant and full of clever things.