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Придумать 5 вопросов к тексту United Kingdom. Attractions and traditions.

British nation is considered to be the most conservative in Europe. It is not
a secret that every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions.
In Great Britain people attach greater importance to traditions and customs than
in other European countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and
carefully keep them up. The best examples are their queen, money system, their
weights and measures.
There are many customs and some of them are very old. There is, for
example, the Marble Championship, where the British Champion is crowned; he
wins a silver cup known among folk dancers as Morris Dancing. Morris Dancing

is an event where people, worn in beautiful clothes with ribbons and bells, dance
with handkerchiefs or big sticks in their hands, while traditional music-sounds.
Another example is the Boat Race, which takes place on the river Thames,
often on Easter Sunday. A boat with a team from Oxford University and one
with a team from Cambridge University hold a race.
British people think that the Grand National horse race is the most exciting
horse race in the world. It takes place near Liverpool every year. Sometimes it
happens the same day as the Boat Race takes place, sometimes a week later.
Amateur riders as well as professional jockeys can participate. It is a very famous

There are many celebrations in May, especially in the countryside.
Halloween is a day on which many children dress up in unusual costumes.
In fact, this holiday has a Celtic origin. The day was originally called All
Halloween's Eve, because it happens on October 31, the eve of all Saint's Day.
The name was later shortened to Halloween. The Celts celebrated the coming of
New Year on that day.
Another tradition is the holiday called Bonfire Night.
On November 5,1605, a man called Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the
Houses of Parliament where the king James 1st was to open Parliament on that
day. But Guy Fawkes was unable to realize his plan and was caught and later,
hanged. The British still remember that Guy Fawkes' Night. It is another name
for this holiday. This day one can see children with figures, made of sacks and
straw and dressed in old clothes. On November 5th, children put their figures on
the bonfire, burn them, and light their fireworks.
In the end of the year, there is the most famous New Year celebration. In
London, many people go to Trafalgar Square on New Year's Eve. There is
singing and dancing at 12 o'clock on December 31st.
A popular Scottish event is the Edinburgh Festival of music and drama,
which takes place every year. A truly Welsh event is the Eisteddfod, a national

festival of traditional poetry and music, with a competition for the best new poem
in Welsh.

If we look at English weights and measures, we can be convinced that the
British are very conservative people. They do not use the internationally
accepted measurements. They have conserved their old measures. There are nine
essential measures. For general use, the smallest weight is one ounce, then 16
ounce is equal to a pound. Fourteen pounds is one stone.
The English always give people's weight in pounds and stones. Liquids they
measure in pints, quarts and gallons. There are two pints in a quart and four
quarts or eight pints are in one gallon. For length, they have inches» foot, yards
and miles.

If we have always been used to the metric system therefore the English
monetary system could be found rather difficult for us. They have a pound
sterling, which is divided into twenty shillings, half-crown is cost two shillings
and sixpence, shilling is worth twelve pennies and one penny could be changed
by two halfpennies.

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24.01.2021 17:45
Прогноз Погоды Мы промокли, когда мы попали в дождь без пальто. Иногда мы надеваем свитер, а потом заметили, что погода стала горячей. Мы не всегда знаем, какую погоду ожидать. По Телевизору и радио есть ежедневные прогнозы погоды. Иногда прогноз не совсем верный, так как погода не просто прогноз. Весь день и ночь, синоптики собирают информацию от кораблей, самолетов, метеорологических станций и космических станций. С этой информации они могут понять,какая погода будет в течение следующих нескольких дней. В результате работы синоптика мы узнали о погоде. Хотя два дня будет точно такая же погода, некоторые типы погоды люди могут составить прогноз. Когда Барометр показывает высокое давление, погода будет спокойной. Зимой будет холодно и морозно. Летом это обычно означает, туманными утрами и жаркие солнечные дни. Когда Барометр показывает низкое давление, смотрю на дождь и сильный ветер.
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08.03.2023 14:32

It is a pleasure to look at a strong, athletic man and slim beautiful lady.

It is known that healthy people live longer and their career is more successful. To look well you must follow some simple rules: don’t smoke and take drugs, don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat too much chips and sweets, eat more vegetables and fruits, sleep well, do exercises.

We have two lessons of physical training once a week. We do exercises, run, jump, play basketball and pioneer ball, ski in winter. I think that we must have more lessons of physical training than we have now. For example American pupils have their PT lessons every day.

I like to play tennis, to ride a bicycle and to swim. But most of all I like roller-skating. I could hardly wait when snow melted, I put on roller-skates and went outdoors. I spent one or two hours every day skating with my friends and we’ve got a lot of fun!

I don’t smoke (nobody smokes in our family). I know that this very bad habit may cause serious problems in your health. I do my morning exercises, try to eat “healthy” food and think that this is really a good way to live.


Приятно посмотреть на сильного, спортивного мужчину и худенькую красивую даму.

Известно, что здоровые люди живут дольше и делают свою карьеру более успешной. Чтобы хорошо выглядеть вы должны следовать некоторым правилам: не курить и не принимать наркотики, не пить алкоголь, не есть слишком много чипсов и конфет, кушать больше овощей и фруктов, хорошо спать, делать упражнения.

У нас есть два урока физической культуры в неделю. Мы делаем упражнения, бегаем, прыгаем, играем в баскетбол и пионербол, катаемся на лыжах. Я думаю, что мы должны иметь больше уроков физической культуры, чем мы имеем сейчас. Например американские школьники имеют физкультуру каждый день.

Я люблю играть в теннис, кататься на велосипеде и плавать. Но больше всего я люблю кататься на роликах. Жду не дождусь, когда снег растает, я надену роликовые коньки и отправлюсь кататься на открытом воздухе. Я провожу один или два часа каждый день, катаясь с моими друзьями, и мы получаем массу удовольствия!

Я не курю (никто не курит в семье). Я знаю, что это очень плохая привычка может привести к серьезным проблемам в вашем здоровье. Я делаю утреннюю гимнастику, стараюсь есть "здоровые" продукты питания и думаю, что это действительно хороший

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