A board game is a game that involves counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or "board", according to a set of rules.Early board games represented a battle between two armies, and most modern board games are still based on defeating opposing players in terms of counters, winning position, or accrual of points.There are many varieties of board games.Board games have been played in most cultures and societies throughout history.Traditional games of this type: Chess, Backgammon, Go, Shogi - use wooden board, or the board, where is their generalized English name board game.Настольные игры с использованием досок известны с глубокой древности. Одной из первых подобных игр был сенет, известный в Древнем Египте с 3500 года до н. э. Возраст китайской игры го оценивают в 2500 лет. Ацтеки в доколумбовой Америке до начала нашей эры играли в патолли. Наконец, одна из самых известных настольных игр с игровым полем - шахматы - известна не менее полутора тысяч лет.With the spread of mass culture rapid development of board games. In the XX century appeared their new species, the most famous of which are the "Monopoly" (c. 1930), "Battleship" (1931), "Scrabble" (1938, in the Russian version - "Erudite"), "Risk" (1957 ), Mastermind (1970, in the Russian version - "Bulls and Cows"), numerous German-style games ("colonialists", 1995).One of the popular choices of board games with the playing field became desktop role-playing games.
Disposal of waste is one of the most important problems in the world. I think it is very dangerous for our planet and everyone must think about it. In the past, people didn't think about it, but now it becomes very important. If people didn't throw away tons of rubbish, they wouldn't have so many environmental problems now. People started to incinerate waste, but it is bad for nature, so people started to sort the waste. Paper, waste iron must be separate. It is the first problem. If people took as much rubbish as they could to recycling centres, they would protect the environment from pollution. The second problem is the conveyance of waste. If people didn't waste so much paper, if they didn't buy so many packaged things it would also help to reduce the problem. There are many problems with the disposal of waste, but we must find a decision for this.
Disposal of waste
Disposal of waste is one of the most important problems in the world. I think it is very dangerous for our planet and everyone must think about it. In the past, people didn't think about it, but now it becomes very important. If people didn't throw away tons of rubbish, they wouldn't have so many environmental problems now. People started to incinerate waste, but it is bad for nature, so people started to sort the waste. Paper, waste iron must be separate. It is the first problem. If people took as much rubbish as they could to recycling centres, they would protect the environment from pollution. The second problem is the conveyance of waste. If people didn't waste so much paper, if they didn't buy so many packaged things it would also help to reduce the problem. There are many problems with the disposal of waste, but we must find a decision for this.