присоединиться к Интернету
2.-установить программу
3.-загрузить файл
4.-табель успеваемости
5.-канал телевидения
7.- проверить электронную почту
2. Underline the correct modal verb
1. You can / must raise your hand and wait before you ask a question.
2. In certain schools, students may / must stand when their teacher enters the room.
3. You should / might spend time studying if you want to get good marks.
4. Steven wants to go out but his mum said he needn’t / can’t go until he has finished his homework.
5. I didn’t see Bill today, he should / must have taken the day off.
6. “Can / May I leave early today, please?” Sarah asked.
7. Kate looked pale in the doctor’s office. She may / might be ill.
3. Fill in: for, on, away, out, about. Translate the sentences.
1. I don’t believe Jack gave secret information about the company. There must be some mistake.
2. Don’t worry your new job. With the skills you have, I’m sure you’ll do very well.
3. As soon as Mrs. Tyler gave …….. our report cards, she asked us if we had any questions about our marks.
4. Dan has so many personal problems that it’s difficult for him to concentrate …his studies right now.
5. Bob always blames other people his mistakes. Maybe he should take responsibility for his own actions more often.
4.Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
This text deals with …
1. Computer virus.
2. Game addiction.
3. A crime.
4. An important message.
5. Punishment.
6. Using neighbours’ wi-fi.
A. A Singapore teenager who used his neighbours’ wi-fi Internet network will not be able to use the Internet for the next 12 months. The message for wi-fi users is clear: if it isn’t yours, don’t use it.
B. Seventeen-year-old Tan Luo was an online-game fan and played games at all hours of the day. He didn’t have time to study and wasn’t able to complete his course at the college. In the end, his parents were very worried and they disconnected their Internet access so Tan couldn’t go online.
C. However, this didn’t stop him. He knew his neighbours had Internet access, so he used theirs. He was able to connect to their wireless Internet network, or ‘wi-fi’, and continued playing online games from his own home.
D. The neighbours noticed Tan was using their wi-fi one night. They told him to stop, but he didn’t, and so they called the police. In Singapore it’s a crime to use a wi-fi network that isn’t yours. So, the young wi-fi thief had to go to court.
E. In court, Tan said he was very sorry. The judge didn’t sent him to prison. Instead, he sent Tan to a boys’ hostel for nine months. At the hostel, he will do sports and other activities, but he won’t be allowed to play video games. Furthermore, he won’t be able to use the Internet for the next year.
2. Glenda worked extremely hard when she was a student.
3. Pippa __has been__rather unfriendly recently.
4. Eric ___had opened___the door before I rang the bell.
5. How long __hasNeil ___had___his present job?
6. ___Has___Tina__visited___her parents since she got married?
7. Why ___didyou putyour coat on? It’s not cold.
8. Jock __complained___to me about his problems last night.
9. Fred ___forgot___his map. We’ll have to go back for it.
10. Jane __ernedmore money in her last job, but she enjoys this one more.