Прочитать на the mass media play an important role in our lives.newspaperd,,radio and especially tv inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wondeful possibilites for education and entertainment.they also influence the way we see the world and snape our views .it is true that the world today is full of dramatie events and most news seems to be bad news.but people aren t interestedin ordinary events.that is why there are so many progroimmes and articies about natursl disaster,plane erasnes,wars,murders and robberies .good news doesn t usually mare headlines.bad news does .the main source of news for millions of people is television.people like tv news because they can see everything with their owh eyes .and that s an importantbadvantage.see ing, as ve know ,is beli eving .besides,it s much more diffieult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras that on the pagesof newspapers