:прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания и предложения на язык a) a better flat, the most comfortable furniture (мебель), the most handsome husband, younger brother, the worst weather (погода), the oldest house, to read better' b) 1. it is difficult to say which month is the best or better. 2. in summer the days are longer than nights. 3. the longest day of the year is the 21st of june. 4. this article is the most difficult for me. 5. it is more difficult for me to read books in english than in russian. 6. this is the best topic for your report. 7. our street is the longest in our town. 8. this lecture-hall is the biggest in our institute. 9. this article is the most interesting in the magazine. 10. nick is the worst sportsman in our group. 11. he spends less time on english than other students. 12. english is easier than some other foreign languages. 2 поспорьте. используйте формулы несогласия. i disagree. - я не согласен. i don’t think so. - я так не думаю. пример: .my sofa isn’t as comfortable as yours. i disagree. yours is much more comfortable. продолжите: a) квартира; не такая удобная; b) волосы (hair); не такие длинные; c) соседи (neighbours); не такие любезные (friendly); d) пирог (cake); не такой вкусный (delicious); e) дети; не такие