)прочитайте определение и скажите, о ком (о чем) идет речь: 1) an institution of higher education having authority to award bachelors' and higher degrees; 2) a division or office of a large business or organization, operating locally or having a particular function; 3) a division of a university
or school faculty devoted to a particular academic discipline; 4) a group of university departments concerned with a major division of knowledge; 5) the head of a university; 6) a university teacher lower in rank than an assistant professor; 7) a person who specializes in a particular area of
activity; 8) the chief administrative official of a college or university faculty; 9) a person who studies or practises any of the sciences or who uses scientific methods; 10) the principal lecturer or teacher in a field of learning at a university or college; 11) time free from work, for
relaxation, etc.
2) организационная структура
3) устав
4) организации
5) ректор
6) профессор
7) ученик
8) директор
9) учитель
10) профессор
11) время отдыха, перерыв