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06.04.2022 15:05 •  Английский язык

Прочитайте текст и, опираясь на контекст, выберите наиболее точные синонимы к выделенным курсивом словам (a) – e) из текста. укажите номера выбранных вариантов под соответствующей буквой (а) – e) в талоне ответов. hadrian's wall hadrian's wall was a 73-mile 15-foot-high wall built by the romans under the emperor hadrian. its height made it useful for surveillance as well as defence. stretching from wallsend-on-tyne to the solway firth, it marked the northern boundary of the empire. it was built by skilled members of the roman army, who took pride in being part of the greatest civilizing force of all time. they realized their benefit from the increased security and economic stability the wall would bring. under antoninus pius, further attempts to conquer scotland led to the construction of the heavily fortified antonine wall 100 miles north in 138-142. despite having been plundered for building materials over the centuries, parts of the wall remain today. a) under 1) protected by 2) when he was in power 3) under the command of b) as well as 1) also 2) but mostly 3) and effective c) stretching 1) moving 2) extending 3) qualified d) skilled 1) trained 2) educated 3) qualified e) realized 1) made come true 2) accepted 3) were aware of

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05.03.2021 18:54

6. Read the text below. For each of the empty spaces (1—10) choose the

correct answers (A, B, C or D). Say what Ukrainian dishes you like most and

which of them in your opinion are healthy and which aren’t.

Ukrainian Cuisine

Dishes of Ukrainian cuisine are known all over the world. All foreigners are impressed greatly by Ukrainian cuisine, its diversity and unique-

ness. Ukrainian cuisine has a long history and (B) is linked closely …(1) to the customs, traditions, culture and a way of life of the Ukrainians. There are

many dishes in Ukrainian cuisine which (D) are characterised (2) by high taste qualities.The most popular Ukrainian dishes (C) are (3) borshch, green (zelenyi) borshch, yushka, varenyky, holubtsi, chicken Kyiv, mlyntsi, pampush-

ky, pies (pyrohy), uzvar and many others.

But the most famous Ukrainian dish is borshch. It is a vegetable

soup which (B) is made of (4) cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, onions,

parsley, garlic, dill, beans, mushrooms. It can (D) be cooked (5) with meat, too.

There are different varieties of this dish. Every housewife has her

own recipe of borshch.

Green (zelenyi) borshch is made of sorrel, potatoes, carrots, on-

ions, parsley and dill, served with chopped hard-boiled eggs and sour


Yushka is a fish soup made of freshwater fish, usually carp, bream,

dill, parsley. It can (A) also (6) be cooked with carrots and potatoes.

Varenyky are popular in Ukraine because they are very tasty. They

(A) are cooked (7) with different fillings: potatoes and fried onions, mushrooms, cabbage, liver, meat, cottage cheese (curds), different berries and fruit, served with sour cream, butter or sugar. Not only Ukrainians but also foreigners like them very much, (A) too (8).

Holubtsi are made of cabbage leaves (fresh or sour) filled with rice

and meat or buckwheat with meat, served with sour cream.

Mlyntsi are pancakes filled with cottage cheese (curds), meat, cabbage, fruit and berries, jam, served with sour cream.

Traditional Ukrainian drink is uzvar. Uzvar is a (C) sweet (9) beverage made

of dried fruit, mainly apples, pears, plums, prunes.

Chicken Kyiv is a breaded cutlet dish of boneless chicken breast

pounded and rolled around cold butter with herbs and then fried or


Wheat products and bread are also very important for the Ukrainians, among them there are traditional wedding bread and an East-

er cake. Traditional wedding bread is called “korovai” and an Easter

cake  — “paska”. Of course we have to mention Ukrainian “salo” and

“kasha”. Kartoplianyky  — fried potato cakes with added flour and eggs,

kruchenyky  — meat rolls with a vegetable filling, nalysnyky  — thin

pancakes wrapped around a filling of curds, meat, jam, berries,

mushrooms are very popular among Ukrainian lovers of tasty food,


In a word, Ukrainian national cuisine is rich (C) in (10) different tasty


Borshch is tasty and healthy.

Varenyky are tasty, but can be fat and unhealthy.

Uzvar is tasty, healthy and sweet.

Holubtsi are healthy, but not tasty - I don't like the taste of a cabbage.

Chicken Kyiv is tasty, but unhealthy because of the oil.

Nalysnyky are my favourite, they are tasty and can be both healthy and unlealthy, depending on the filling.

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02.02.2022 01:33

The Russian people have always paid special attention to signs and superstitions. People tried to anticipate possible trouble, and if possible — and avoid them altogether. Among the many superstitions we have chosen the most common, which now attach importance.

A black cat that ran across the road-unfortunately. In basis of superstition lay as views about cats, which defend house (and the emergence of its before man interpreted as a badge of threatening home dangers), so and reputation cats, aides-hunts and of the warlocks.

Sit on path (with suitcases in the hands of). In ancient times, travel was extremely dangerous, and travelers were considered not alive, and not dead, and staying as if in the third state. Sitting down on the path, a person asked for help and protection in the way of household spirits.

Don't pass things over the threshold. For our ancestors, the world was clearly divided into their own, protected space, and others, inhabited by hostile spirits to man. And the threshold was a place sacred and dangerous at the same time, it was the border between the worlds,the most permeable place for otherworldly guests.. Therefore all manipulations had to be carried out, being inside the house, under its protection.

"You sew on yourself-you will sew on memory". This superstition came from the sacralisation of traditional female occupations, namely sewing. Threads were attributes of the goddesses of fate, and any operations with them also bore the imprint of a sacred action.

Woman with empty buckets-to losses. Empty buckets were associated with losses, shortages, drought, generally the most unpleasant things for people. In our time, the rocker can only be found in the Museum, but the danger is still there. So, if you meet a stranger with an empty bucket of garbage, you have to spit over your left shoulder and say, "Dibs on me." The main thing is not to get into a black cat.


Здесь 5 суеверий

Вот перевод текста на русский язык

Русский народ всегда обращал особое внимание на приметы и суеверия. Люди стремились предугадать возможные неприятности, а по возможности — и вовсе избежать их. Среди множества суеверий мы выбрали самые распространенные, которым и сейчас придаем значение.

Черная кошка, перебежавшая дорогу, — к несчастью. В основе суеверия лежали как представления о кошках, которые защищают дом (и появление ее перед человеком трактовалось как знак грозящей дому опасности), так и репутация кошек ведьм и колдунов.

Посидеть на дорожку (с чемоданами в руках). В древности путешествия были крайне опасным делом, и путники считались не живыми, и не мертвыми, а пребывающими как бы в третьем состоянии. Присаживаясь на дорожку, человек просил и покровительства в пути у домашних духов.

Не передавать вещи через порог. Для наших предков мир четко делился на свое, защищенное пространство, и чужое, где обитали враждебные человеку духи. А порог представлялся местом сакральным и опасным одновременно, это была граница между мирами,наиболее проницаемое для потусторонних гостей место.. Поэтому все манипуляции нужно было проводить, находясь внутри дома, под его защитой.

«На себе шьешь — память пришьешь». Это суеверие происходило от сакрализации традиционных женских занятий, а именно шитья. Нити были атрибутами богинь судьбы, и любые операции с ними также несли отпечаток священного действия.

Женщина с пустыми ведрами — к убыткам. Пустые ведра ассоциировались с потерями, недостачей, засухой, в общем самыми неприятными для людей вещами. В наше время коромысло можно найти только в музее, но опасность по-прежнему есть. Так что, встретив незнакомку с пустым ведром из-под мусора, надо плюнуть через левое плечо и сказать: «Чур меня». Главное, при этом не попасть в черную кошку.

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