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На пятнице было мое день рождения. Обычно я его встречаю вне дома, но в этом году решил (а) приготовить ужин для моих друзей дома. Какая ошибка! Как только я закончил (а) работать я пошел (ла) сразу домой начать готовить, т.к.гости были приглашены на 8 часов. Прежде всего, я положил (а) курицу в духовку, затем я приготовил (а) овощи. Когда я все почистил (а) , нарезал (а) и помешал (а) было уже 6 45( вечера.) Я быстро выдвинул стол и поднялся (лась) по лестнице, чтобы переодеться. Тем временем запах блюда распространился по дому. В 7 30 Я снова спустился (лась) по лестнице. Я достал(а) курицу из духовки и красиво накрыл (а) на стол все приготовления. Когда я все закончил (а) , у меня осталось немного времени, чтобы пойти купить цветов, я выбежал (а) из дома и быстрым шагом напрвился (лась) к магазину. Я купил (а) несколько красивых роз и через 10 минут стоял(а) у моей входной двери. Неожиданно, я понял(а), что не могу найти ключи. Я побежала вокруг дома, проверяя окна и двери. Безрезультатно! Наконец пришли мои друзья. В 8 все было готова и все были на месте. Была лишь одна проблема, мы стояли за окном обеденного зала (на улице), с цветами в руке, наблюдая как остывает праздничный ужин.
Biography Of Nikolai Nosov Nikolay Nosov (1908 — 1976) – writer, playwright. Nicholas was born on 10 November 1908 in Kiev in the family of the actor. Higher education in the biography Nosov was started at the art Institute of Kiev. But in 1929 he moved to another Institute of cinematography in Moscow. To devote their creativity to the children's noses began immediately after graduation he became a Director and producer of cartoons and educational films. In 1938 in the magazine "Murzilka" for the first time in the biography of Nikolay Nosov published his stories. In 1945 he published a book called "tuk-tuk-Tuk", which contained previously published stories.However, the most popular stories in the biography of the writer N. Nosova were, of course, stories about dunno. After the first tale ("the Cog and Shpuntik the cleaner"), Nosov published a trilogy about his little, restless, inquisitive and comical character. So tales of "the adventures of dunno and his friends", "Neznayka in Solar city" and "Neznayka on the moon" became very popular, and the author received the State prize Krupskaya. However, the writer was not only in writing tales. For his biography N. Nosov also created works: "the Story about my friend Igor", "the Secret in the well", "the Story of a childhood" and others.
Biography Of Nikolai Nosov
Nikolay Nosov (1908 — 1976) – writer, playwright.
Nicholas was born on 10 November 1908 in Kiev in the family of the actor. Higher education in the biography Nosov was started at the art Institute of Kiev. But in 1929 he moved to another Institute of cinematography in Moscow. To devote their creativity to the children's noses began immediately after graduation he became a Director and producer of cartoons and educational films. In 1938 in the magazine "Murzilka" for the first time in the biography of Nikolay Nosov published his stories. In 1945 he published a book called "tuk-tuk-Tuk", which contained previously published stories.However, the most popular stories in the biography of the writer N. Nosova were, of course, stories about dunno. After the first tale ("the Cog and Shpuntik the cleaner"), Nosov published a trilogy about his little, restless, inquisitive and comical character. So tales of "the adventures of dunno and his friends", "Neznayka in Solar city" and "Neznayka on the moon" became very popular, and the author received the State prize Krupskaya. However, the writer was not only in writing tales. For his biography N. Nosov also created works: "the Story about my friend Igor", "the Secret in the well", "the Story of a childhood" and others.