прочитайте текст статьи из статьи о динозаврах и ответьте на вопросы ниже. внимание! правописание настроено на британский . например, слово ‘utilisation’ следует писать через ‘s’, а не ‘z’, как в американском языке.
(i) the term “dinosaur’ was invented in 1842 by a biologist from england named sir richard owen. he used the term “dinosauria” in order to identify a new group of animals which had only been identified recently.the term itself is derived from two greek words, namely “deinos” meaning ‘terrible’ and “sauros”, meaning ‘lizard’. therefore, ‘dinosaur’ translates to ‘terrible lizard’ in a rough manner.
(ii) reptiles started to develop from the 4-legged amphibians around 350 million years ago, which meant that they were no longer dependent on water to survive – they could move around on land.
(iii) dinosaurs were an extremely varied group of creatures, with some of them larger than the biggest elephant today, with over 1000 trillion cells in them while some others extremely small, similar to the size of a chicken. some of the dinos could fly, and some even had feathers.
(iv)the reason as to how dinosaurs vanished from the earth has still not been found and is very much a topic of heated debate. all we know is that a worldwide extinction event happened around 100 million years ago, which lead to their extinction. the most probable cause is a meteor collision, which might have caused the sun to be blocked out due to dust in the air.
1. in para (i) it was suggested that the name ‘dinosaurus’ was given to a group of recently identified animals, for there was no other name for them, because nobody ever saw them or knew them before.
2. in para (ii) the idea preceding the phrase ‘they could move around on land’ most probably means that:
all dinosaurs abandoned water
some dinosaurs could survive outside water
dinosaurs could only survive outside water
dinosaurs could not survive outside water
3. in para (iii) ‘some even had feathers’ most probably means:
некоторые даже имели перья
некоторые даже имели хвосты
у некоторых даже были папы
почти все имели перья
4. in para (iv) ‘the reason as to how dinosaurs vanished from the earth’ is absolutely known and proven.
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