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1-5 cooTeeTCTøyot copepxOHMIO TekCta (True), a kakve He COOTEOT:
CTBYIDT (False).
James, a Scottish boy, lived in a very small town with his mother, fa.
ther and two younger sisters. James's father was a school teacher and his
mother was a nurse.
School was starting soon, and it was necessary to get new clothes for
each child. They did it every year. One day mother said, "It is a good day
for school shopping." Beth and Carole were happy to go to the big city mall
but James wanted to stay at home and ride bis bicycle.
James was very tired when he was walking with his sisters around tho
shopping centre. At last the mother and kids came to a boy's shop. Tho
mother bought a new shirt, new shoes and green trousers for James. Ho
didn't like the shirt much. He didn't like the shoes much but he liked the
green trousers.
School started the following Monday, and James put on his new green
trousers. All the other kids had new clothes too. James thought that his
green trousers were the best. He wore his green pants every day. His moth-
er looked at him with a smile every morning at breakfast, but said, "Wall,
as long as your trousers are clean, I think it's OK.
ear finished. James still wore his green trousers, but
there was one problem. He had got taller in the last year and his groen
trousers became very short for him. Girls began to laugh at him.
1. James's mother bought new clothes for her kids every year.
2. James liked going shopping
3. James liked all his new clothes.
False 0
4. James wore his green trousers to school every day.
True o
5. The trousers became small for James but he liked them.
Рождество в Америке , это как Новый год в России.Они все украшают свои дома и покупают подарки друг другу. в Америке люди не любят новый год как рождество. когда наступает рождественское утро американцы дарят подарки. американцы любят свою страну и украшают ее тоже. куда бы ты не пошел ты везде видишь ёлки. каждый кого ты видишь добрый и с улыбкой. американцы любят проводить рождество со своими родственниками и друзьями. каждый день это прекрасный праздник.
удачи поцан))