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21.01.2022 17:03 •  Английский язык

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1. common feature of all extreme sports is an element of danger

combined with acrobatic stunts.

2. extreme activities are always absolutely new kinds of sports.

3. in-line skates were used by figure-skaters for training and practice

when there was no ice.

4. there are no extreme sports events included into the olympics.

5. many athletes doing extreme sports see themselves as outsiders of

the usual sporting world.

6. extreme sports are for individuals.


going to extremes

john hancock reports on the history of some of your favorite extreme


whether it’s a jaw-dropping move on a skateboard or the raw speed of

bmx there is no doubt that extreme sports have taken off in a big way over the

last twenty-five years. some need snow, some need wheels but they all share an

element of danger, usually combinedwith acrobatic stunts.

espn, the american tv sports network, organized the first extreme

games (now the x games) in 1995 and coined the phrase ‘extreme sports’. this

is partly because they are often considered to be different from older, established

sports. however, some older, more traditional sports, such as freestyle skiing,

skydiving, surfing and water skiing, are also sometimes considered extreme


extreme sports have also been characterized as ‘alternative sports’. several

of the sports that fall into this category have also been known as ‘outlaw sports’

because they were banned in many areas for being too dangerous. also, many of

the athletes have adopted alternative fashions and have seen themselves as outside

the usual sporting world.

many extreme sports are in fact new versions of older sports, often made

possible by technological changes or improvements in equipment. for example,

bmx racing and mountain biking are both based on cycling. in-line skating is a

form of roller-skating.

for the most part, extreme sports originated as recreational activities for the

individuals, but often in a group context. as they have become competitive,

extreme sports have been at least partly absorbed into the mainstream, although

snowboarding is still the only extreme sport to have become an olympic event.

one of the most spectacular extreme sports is bmx. there are two main forms,

bmx racing, which takes place on a dirt track of about 300 to 400 meters with a

series of jumps, and freestyle bmx, involving stunts and tricks. the sport has

come a long way since a group of kids first started organizing races at palms

park, santa monica, california, back in 1969. fans of motocross, but too young

to ride motorbikes, they named their sport ‘pedal cross’.they couldn’t have

known what they were starting. races quickly got bigger and the sport became

known as bmx, which stands for ‘bicycle motocross’. the first american

national championship was held in 1974 and the first magazine devoted to the

sport appeared the same year. it went from strength to strength throughout the

eighties and nineties and today there are over 50 national bmx organizations

round the world.
another popular extreme sport is in-line skating, with around 30 million

skaters worldwide. in-line skates are generally assumed to be very new and

modern, but actually all roller skates were in-line from the first known pair in

1716 until 1863. it was then that james plimpton invented a skate with for wheels

in a rectangular arrangement. in 1966, the original in-line skates returned, but it

wasn’t until 1980 that two ice hockey-playing brothers, scott and brennan olson

of minneapolis, realized that in-line skates could be used for training and practice

when there was no ice. they started to make their own skates, selling them to

friends, and eventually set up their own company, rollerblade, to market them.

they were so successful that in-line skates are often known simply as


as competitive sport, in-line skating is actually several sports. there are in-

line versions of the traditional roller skating events: speed skating, artistic(figure)

skating, and roller hockey. however, the best-known and most popular of the

competitive sports is aggressive in-line skating, also known as ‘aggro’. athletes

would show off their skills for the people watching to copy. there are two events,

street and vert (short for vertical). in street competitions, skaters perform tricks

while jumping over boxes, ramps, and rails, while in vert they do a 60-second

routine of tricks and stunts in a half-pipe, like that used in skateboarding and


it seems certain extreme sports will continue to grow in popularity and

bring even more people. so, what are you waiting for? go to extremes!

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13.03.2021 08:41
Tyumen in Siberia is called Gateway. Since it started the development of Siberian territoriy.Tyumen lies in the West Siberian Plain on the river Tura.Odnoy of the main attractions of this city is the bridge of lovers. It is especially beautiful in the evening when the lights turn on. His name was after the competition in the longest kiss, arranged by a local radio station. In Tyumen there is a tradition: the couple is required to come to the footbridge, fix the lock, the key is to plunk down the river as a symbol of the inviolability of the newly-made family. The bridge was dating and vstrechi.Most Valentine appeared in Tyumen in this place after the collapsed wooden ancestor - it was 1979. By 2003, the bridge has changed: its opening was attended by DJs, held a competition for the longest kiss. Naturally, the name of the bridge - Bridge of lovers - could sound inache.Most Valentine became the unofficial symbol of the city, connecting the two banks of the Tumen River Tour. And already in 2003 there was a competition for the first time, which gave the name of the bridge. Today, the bridge connects the two banks Lovers Tours - on it in a hurry about their business Tyumentsev and closer to the night, the backlight, and it becomes a meeting place and walks.
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29.05.2021 03:56
Я хотел написать вам о гаджетах, гаджеты - являются инструментом, который сделать нашу жизнь клубный и легко, с каждым годом они становится лучше. Я использую мобильный телефон, чтобы позвонить кому-то из моей семьи memders или слушать музыку. Я использую ноутбук дома, чтобы подготовить hometas на уроке, также можно читать книгу в цифровом режиме, искать необходимую информацию или вы можете использовать ее для общения в социальных сетях, но там много времени провел, что Вы не соблюдать. Гаджеты мне в моей школьной жизни, потому что ТТ найти значение слова, читать книги, и если я пропущу несколько занятий можно научиться чему-то, что я потерял на специальных веб-сайтах. А какие гаджеты вы используете? Для чего ли они вам в школьной жизни?!
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