Ниже пример сочинения по языку на тему развлечений. для облегчения восприятия топик дан с переводом. устная тема сочинение entertainment топик предложения из топика the entertainment is an important part of the modern life. the concept of «entertainment» includes not only a pretty pastime, but also a passion of art, movies, music, dancing, reading, and sports. the development of the outlook is impossible without reading, hobbies, a passion of music or the theater, opera, ballet… a visit to the cultural events such as exhibitions, presentations, and primes is an integral part of the intelligent person’s life. as for me, despite the fact that most of my time is busy with the study, i also find the time for my hobbies. there are: studying of foreign languages, swimming and music. without music and sports i cannot imagine my life. among the music styles i like pop, alternative rock and club music. i’m not some of those people who used to have a rest, lying on the sofa. i am an adherent of the active recreation. after a hard day the best way to release tension is to swim in the pool. the cinema as a form of the entertainment is firmly included in people’s lives. despite of busy schedule, many people keep an eye on release of the film masterpieces and do not miss an opportunity to visit the cinema. in my opinion, the entertainment is not a waste of time. entertainment is a source of cheerfulness and necessary energy for the new achievements.
What? As this is a new continent from garbage?
There in the water floats a huge accumulation of waste, plastic, bottles and all that. All this garbage the man in the sea.
- What's a continent?
- This is a huge education in the territory can be compared with the whole country, even the continent!
- And how could it be formed? Something I don't understand.
- Ocean currents carry the debris in a certain area. Turns out a huge dump in the ocean. Marine animals ingest the plastic and die!
- And, probably, this dump is increased?
- Of course, mom, what did you think? The garbage thrown away!
-What a mess! You need to build waste recycling plants! Everywhere! In each city!
And recycle trash, but the landfill?
- Yes, especially all that plastic! And then there will be such a terrible "continents