Nelson was a British naval commander and national hero, famous for his naval victories against the French during the Napoleonic Wars. Born on 29 September 1758 in Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, Horatio Nelson was the sixth of the 11 children of a clergyman. He joined the navy when he turned 12. He became a captain at 20, and worked in the West Indies, Baltic and Canada. He married Frances Nisbet in 1787 in Nevis, and returned to England for the next five years on half-pay. When Britain entered the French Revolutionary Wars in 1793, he served in the Mediterranean, helped capture Corsica. In 1797 in the only one battle that he lost, he lost his right arm. As a commander he was known for bold action (bravery), and disregard of his seniors (which only helped the deal, because Nelson's desitions were wiser). Soon, Nelson was promoted to vice-admiral. Under his leadership, the Royal Navy proved its supremacy over the French. His most famous engagement, at Cape Trafalgar, saved Britain from threat of Napoleon, but was killed here by a French sniper a few hours later. He died on the 21th of October in 1805.
X, x (eks) n (pl Xs, X's (ˊeksɪz))
1) 24-я буква англ. алфавита
2) что-л., напомина́ющее по фо́рме бу́кву X"
3) мат. икс, неизве́стная величина́"
4) не́что таи́нственное или неизве́стное; не́кто таи́нственный, неизве́стный" 5) крест, кре́стик"
6) значо́к и т.п., ука́зывающий на оши́бку (в тексте, экзаменационной работе)"
7) катего́рия фи́льмов, на кото́рые де́ти не допуска́ются
8) (X) амер. де́сять до́лларов (бумажные)
x-ray -рентген
x-ray film -рентгеновская плёнка
Xmas - Рождество
Xenia - Ксения, Зания (женское имя)
Xerox copy - ксерокопия (Xerox - ксерокс)
Xylophone - ксилофон
Xenomania - ксеномания (страсть ко всему иностранному)
Xenophobia - ксенофобия (недоброжелательное отношение к новому, незнакомому, в том числе к иностранцам)
Xylonite -целлулоид
X-craft малая подводная лодка
Xylantrax - древесный уголь