Проверь, как ты научился применять на практике изученные орфограммы.
1. Спиши текст, вставляя пропущенные буквы.
Над п...лями и л...сами светит яркое со...нце.
П...темнели в п...лях д...роги. Пос...нел на р...ке
лё... . В долинах зажурч...ли звонкие руч...и. Надулис...
на дерев...ях см...листые почки. На ивах по...вились
мя...кие пуховики. Выб...жал на опушку ро...кий за...д.
Вышла на п...ляну старая л...сиха сл...сёнком. Выв...ла
м...дведица на первую пр...гулку св...их медв...жат. подчеркни главные члены предложения определения дополнение
Millions of people all over the world speak English.
Scientists and writers try to write or to have their works translated into English so that more people could read them.
Most conferences and international meetings are held in English.
English is not only popular, it is not very difficult to learn.
English grammar is not very difficult and many words are already known to most of us.
Knowing English gives better job and education opportunities.
The best universities teach in English.
Whatever country you go, you will certainly meet somebody who speaks English.
English is very popular with singers and performers.
There are many special texbooks, aidio and video resources for those who learn English.
So learning English can really be fun and a great enjoyment.