Проверьте мою домашнюю работу по английскому. У меня голова уже не работает. Правильно ли указаны времена , а также корректно ли составлены предложения?
The Great Patriotic War is the most horrible and painful to all vremen.ozhestochennye Nazis destroyed the cities of the world and destroy the great city under the command of Gitlera.No was a country that was able to repulse fascism Rossiya.Velikaya-power, which resisted for a long time and still won despite ogoromnye poteri.Gitler as Napoleon would have quickly overcome, but eventually troops were defeated and Hitler ended his life samoubiystvom.Voynu Russia won by a 3-luck factors other than warlords and foremost patriots SSSR.Teper today we can be proud the fact that they were born in a country where the winning lost many
because MOST of the time the main characters live and act without any adults around.
The FIFA Women's World Cup is recognized as the as most IMPORTANT international event women's football.
Played REGULARLY every four years, the first Women's World Cup Tournament was held in 1991.
The tournament was INITIALLY the brainchild of Joao Havelange.
He was the FIFA president at that time. Since the first COMPETITION
both American and GERMAN teams have won the Cup twice.
The next CHAMPIONSHIP will be held in Canada in 2015.