Проверьте пересказа на ошибки jane eyre was little girl about six years old when the book started. she lived with the reed’s at gateshead hall and she hated it there. the reed’s were really mean to her. the feeling was mutual and so mrs. reed sent jane to low budget orphan school called lowood
institution. mr. brocklehurst ran lowood and he didn’t waste one penny on anything for the girls that lived there. they were basically starving because they weren’t allowed to eat much food, and it was freezing all the time because he wouldn’t shell out for heat. jane learned to adjust there and
made friends with helen and miss. temple. then, helen died and miss. temple leaved to get married. jane realized she didn’t like it there alone so she tried to get a job somewhere as a governess. edward rochester hired her to teach his daughter adele. jane went to thornfield and pretty much her
whole life changed . a lot of this novel’s action took place in jane’s head and with her emotions. for her to go out on her own to an unknown place was a big deal. at thornfield jane was treated like a real person by rochester. they had a weird relationship, but they were always really honest with
each other. rochester told her about his life and complimented jane on stuff she cared about, like her paintings. he kind of was setting her up because he knew that he wanted to marry her, but jane didn’t know and we didn’t know that yet either. he messed with her a little by bringing this chick
blanche out to the house and saying he was going to marry her. this threw jane for awhile. jane didn’t like to mess around and played games.
Это теплокровные животные, ближайшие родственники зубатых китов. По питания дельфины являются хищниками. Они съедают в день более 30 кг рыбы. Такое усиленное питание обусловлено высокой потребностью в энергии для поддержания постоянной температуры тела. Известно около 50-ти видов морских дельфинов и 4 — речных. Их рост может достигать шести и более метров в зависимости от вида. Вес колеблется в пределах от 40 кг (у речных дельфинов) до 10 тонн у касаток, которые считаются самыми агрессивными и крупными представителями этого племени. Однако проявления агрессии в целом не характерны для дельфинов. Наоборот, они являются очень дружелюбными, любопытными и игривыми животными. В процессе игры дельфины проявлять настолько поразительную сообразительность и фантазию, что вызывают неподдельный восторг всех наблюдателей.
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These are hematothermal animals, the immediate family the tooth of whales. On a way of a delivery dolphins are predators. They eat more than 30 kg of fish a day. Such suralimentation is caused by the high need for energy for maintenance of constant body temperature. About 50 species of sea dolphins and 4 — river are known. Their body height can reach six and more meters depending on a look. Weight fluctuates ranging from 40 kg (at river dolphins) to 10 tons at killer whales who are considered as the most aggressive and large representatives of this tribe. However aggression implications in general aren't characteristic of dolphins. On the contrary, they are very friendly, curious and playful animals. In the course of the game dolphins are capable to show so amazing ingenuity and the imagination that cause genuine delight of all observers.
Some of the most sociable and friendly members of the animal world - members of the family Delphinidae. These include dolphins and porpoises. Their mother feeds milk, so dolphins are mammals. They - warm-blooded. They have sharp teeth, and their head ends mouth, like a bird's beak. The main food of dolphins - fish, shellfish and small animals.