проверьте текст Viruses are a special form of non-cellular life, intracellular parasites. Viruses are unique in that they behave like an inanimate object outside the cell, meaning they do not show any signs of a living organism. They do not breathe, feed, move, reproduce, grow, or die. But why are they so dangerous?
They are dangerous because they are the cause of many dangerous diseases, often fatal and incurable. Viruses destroy the cells they specialize in. Outside the cell, they do not show signs of life, but when the cell is present, they show several signs of a living organism: the ability to reproduce, change, and possess heredity. At the same time, reproduction is carried out at the expense of all the resources of the cell with its subsequent destruction.
Viruses affect the respiratory system, digestive or nervous systems, skin and mucous membranes, suppress the body's immune responses, and lead to cancer.
The origin of viruses remains a mystery, although it is assumed that viruses are cells that have switched to a parasitic lifestyle. Our body has learned to resist viruses over billions of years of evolution. However, they do not stand still and another mutation can make us vulnerable to deadly danger from invisible enemies. Therefore, it is important not to forget to follow the rules of hygiene.
My favorite place is the beach (near the lake) where I like to sit and watch the sunset, at this moment I can stay with my own thoughts, sometimes I like to come to this place with friends when it's warm we can play different games with the guys, I really like spending time with my friends watching the sunset.
перевод (Мое любимое место - это пляж (около озера), где я люблю сидеть и наблюдать за закатом, в этот момент я могу думать самостоятельно, иногда мне нравится приходить в это место с друзьями, когда тепло, мы можем играть в разные игры. с парнями, мне очень нравится проводить время с друзьями, наблюдая закат)
Не знаю подойдёт такое, но я написала как могла...
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