Psychology and the good life – a course, (0) teach- taught by laurie santos, a psychology professor and the head of one of yale’s residential colleges, proved to be an (1) extreme popular course with (2) near one-fourth of yale undergraduates(3) attend it. the course tried to teach students how to lead
a happier and more satisfying life in twice-weekly lectures.
the course focused both on positive psychology — the (4) character that allow humans to flourish – and behavioural change, or how to live by those lessons in real life. “if we see good habits, things like students showing more gratitude, procrastinating less, increasing social (5) connect, we are actually seeding change in the school’s culture,” dr santos said in an interview. she (6) speculation that yale
students were interested in the class because, in high school, they had to deprioritize their happiness to gain (7) admit to the school, adopting (8) harm life habits that have led to what she called “the mental health crises we are seeing at places like yale.”
dr santos (9) courage students to enroll in the course because the things yale undergraduates often connect with life satisfaction — a high grade, a (10) prestige internship, a well-paid job — do not increase happiness at all.
Жизнь без искусства лишится вкуса и привлекательности, так как потеряет своё разноцветие, многообразие и воодушевленную пылкость, страсть, что движет душами людей и является неиссякаемым источником их вдохновения. Мир вокруг превратится в серый, скучный быт, сплошное однообразие, не предвещавшее каких-либо радостных перемен.
Искусство – это наше наше лекарство, которое нужно принимать постоянными дозами, чтобы улавливать происходящее на нужной волне, настраивать струны нашей души и никогда не позволить им порваться.