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07.03.2021 17:13 •  Английский язык

Public and Private Sectors in the UK. Public and Private Sectors in the UK. At the beginning of the 1980s there were many public corporations in the United Kingdom. They included British Coal, British Steel, the Post Office, British Telecom, the British Airports Authorities, British Rail and some others. They were nationalized mostly by Labour governments for political reasons, reflecting a desire to control and plan the economy in detail and a belief in the "rightness" of public ownership as an ideal. Some corporations became public to be rescued from bankruptcy. Thus the governments saved thousands of jobs in those firms, so the taxpayer was saved from paying out large sums to unemployed people. Very many public corporations later became private again. But some others are still publicly owned. A special mention should be made of British Rail. Railway tracks make a natural monopoly of the state. At the same time different companies are allowed to operate competing services on the same tracks. Thus there is a natural monopoly in track ownership but not in operating trains. ответить на во по тексту: 1. The title of the text is... 2. The key idea of the text is ... 3. The author starts by saying that 4. The author pays attention to the fact, that 5. He point out... 6.In addition, he gives example of 7. In the concluding remarks, he says that 8. I find the text interesting/informative/useful, because

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17.05.2023 01:55
My day.
Usually I get up at 7 o'clock. I get up at once and sometimes do my morning exercises. Then I take a shower and clean my teeth. After that I dress and go to school. I live not far from it so I walk there. I usually have breakfast at school. Every day we have 6 lessons, so I am at school till 2 o'clock. Then I go home, have dinner and rest for a couple of hours. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I go to the swimming pool. The rest of my week is free. In the evening I do my home task and help my parents if they ask me. Sometimes I play computer games or read books. And of course I chat with my friends online. I go to bed at 11 o'clock. That is my usual day.
Мой день.Обычно я встаю в 7 часов. Я встаю сразу и иногда делаю утреннюю зарядку. Затем я принимаю душ и чищу зубы. После этого я одеваюсь и иду в школу. Я живу недалеко от неё, поэтому я иду туда пешком. Я обычно завтракаю в школе. Каждый день у нас есть 6 уроков, таким образом, я в школе до 2 часов. Затем я иду домой, обедаю и отдыхаю пару часиков. В понедельник, в среду и в пятницу я хожу в бассейн. Остальная часть моей недели свободна. Вечером я делаю свое домашнее задание и моим родителям, если они попросят. Иногда я играю в компьютерные игры или читаю книги. И конечно я болтаю со своими друзьями онлайн. Я ложусь спать в 11 часов. Это - мой обычный день.
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11.02.2020 10:11
Not to split up!
This is the most important rule. Before to leave somewhere or go the other way, inform the instructor. And only if it is allowed, you can go. It is necessary to know where to find you.
Instructor not to overtake. The first is the instructor, it is permissible to overtake only a little bit so you could hear him.
To listen to the instructor.
If the instructor about something asks, it should be fulfilled. You may ask why it is so – but do not argue.
Not to litter.
On the way, no debris, not to leave – even candy wrappers. All the trash – his and others ' we will try to burn at stops. Not lights – will have to carry to organized trash. This is usually settlement at the end of the campaign. Why not bring something that will become trash and can't burn.
Under a stream of spring is impossible to wash dishes, brush your teeth, to wash ourselves, etc. Enter the water and stand aside away. Otherwise the spring is formed nasty slop puddle.
Not to remain silent and not to be a hero.
If you have trouble, something hurts, be sure to tell your instructor. In any case he will help you. For example, adjust or unload the backpack, will not make a scheduled halt, will change the pace of walking. If my shoes don't wait until the blisters. As soon as I noticed the redness, just tape the problem areas with plaster cloth, without pads of gauze or cotton wool. Inspect the feet, and seal all red seats — they will still start to grate later. If your patch is not — don't hesitate to ask the instructor.
To walk without shortness of breath.
Dyspnea means you are going too fast. Even if you feel that you are standing in place, still need to go even slower. Especially on the climbs. So in the end will be faster and safer for the entire body. Breathe only a nose, full chest. If hard, not speaking.
All personal needs decide on the halts. Sanitary, dressing up, adjust backpacks, etc.
Tourists are required:
To take care of the nature and monuments of history and culture.
Be mutually polite and friendly to each other.
Behave tactfully towards the local people, to respect their traditions.
In advance to secure the necessary specific medications, to warn the instructor about the disease.
In case of any accidents, claims, immediately inform the instructor.
It is prohibited to:
To participate in the campaign if there are medical contraindications for this type of activity.
Try unknown berries, mushrooms.
Sniff and collect flowers unknown.
Pluck, break, trample any plants.
To bathe and swim in any bodies of water without permission of the instructor.
In the event of failure of the tourist requirements of the instructor or violation of the above "Rules of conduct in the campaign" with the instructor removed the responsibility for the life and health of the tourist. Also in this case, the instructor has the right to remove a course with no refund of the cost of the campaign.
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