Put a relative pronoun (which,that,whom,whose,where) into each gap. Вставте відносний займенник (which,that,whom,whose,where). У відповідях запишіть тільки займенники, які вставили.
1) The booksI ordered from a bookshop arrived the following week.
2) My parents, were born in the north of England, moved to London to find work.
3) The manlives upstairs is always playing music when I'm trying to get to sleep.
4) The buildingI live was built in the 1920th.
5) The employee toyou refer is no longer working for this company.
6) Do you remember the name of the mancar you crashed into?
7) The hotel where we stayed was very good for the price.
8) Kate is a girlfather bought a baby crocodile.
Тут говорится и он нём, и о его произведениях:)
На русском:
книга Штефана Цвейга включает в себя три его самых ярких произведения: «Амок», «Двадцать четыре часа из жизни женщины». «Письмо незнакомцу». Величайший мастер психологических романов, писатель-реалист С. Цвейг сумел показать тонкий нерв человеческих отношений, показать примеры самоотверженности, любви и самоотверженности, которые не имеют границ в пространстве и существуют вне времени. В «Двадцати четырех часах из жизни женщины» история разворачивается за один день, но какой день! Мастеру пера нужно несколько ярких штрихов, чтобы оживить его персонажей, и работы становятся бессмертными.
Он умер 22 февраля 1942 года.
На английском:
This book of Stefan Zweig includes three of his most striking works: Amok, Twenty-Four Hours from the Woman's Life. "A letter to a stranger." The greatest master of psychological novels, the realist writer, S. Zweig was able to show the subtle nerve of human relationships, show examples of selflessness, love and selflessness, which have no boundaries in space and exist outside of time. In “Twenty-Four Hours from the Life of a Woman,” the story unfolds in one day, but what a day! The master of the pen needs a few bright touches to make his characters come to life, and the works become immortal.
He died in
February 22, 1942
Удачи тебе!)
1. The train journey from Moscow to St. Petersburg has improved 1) greatly since the line was first opened in 1951.
2. You get to your 2) destination in less than four hours.
3. The airport commute is avoided, and you get on and off the train at a central station, saving 3) valuable time.
4. Sapsan caters to the 4) requirements of the modern business traveler...
5. But even the economy classes are extremely 5) comfortable.
6. Traveling between these two Russian cities has never been more 6) luxury.