Put ever of never in the correct place in these sentences and questions. Have you had soup to stop a cold?
Ive felt sick in a car.
Shes taken antibiotics.
Has your dad helped anyone in an accident?
Sam and I have written a story about doctors.
Have you done first aid?
Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form:
I LIKE (to like) apples.
Ann __PLAYS (to play) computer games every weekend.
We __GO (to go) to work by train.
You ___DON'T WORK (not to work) very hard.
My friend and I ___SPEND (to spend) time together in the evenings.
They __VISIT (to visit) their relatives once a week.
I ___DON'T SWIM (not to swim) in the see on summer.
Food ___BECOMES (to become) cold in the fridge.
My cat __DOESN'T ENJOY (not to enjoy) fish.
Her parents DON'T TAKE (not to take) her to school every day.
We ___DON'T INVITE (not to invite) our friends at the weekend.
You KNOW (to know) Math.
Sarah and Andrew ___DON'T GO (not to go) to dancing classes on Sundays.
We HAVE (to have) our English lessons twice a week.
He___DOESN'T HAVE (not to have) blue eyes.
I ___HAVE (to have) dark hair.
2. Complete the sentences with DO or DOES.
What colour __DO you like?
Where DOES she work?
Where ___DO your parents live?
What kind of films __DO you prefer?
___DOES he play football at the weekends?
How DO your friends spend their free time?
DOES Allan have green eyes?
What time ___DOES she get from work?
What school ___DO you study at?
___DO you have breakfast in the morning?
Where ___DO they put their key?
DOES your son go to the school in the city?
DO this cat and that dog get on well?
Будучи всеїдною, сорока іноді нападає на дрібних птахів, расклевивает в їх гніздах яйця і пташенят. У селах сороки можуть тягати яйця з курника і навіть знищити курчат. Вона вирішується іноді нападати навіть і на великих тварин: расклевивает спини у овець і горби у верблюдів, щоб поживитися салом. На полях, в лісі, в степу сорока приносить безсумнівну користь, знищуючи безліч шкідливих комах і гризунів, головним чином сіру полівку. Відома любов сорок до блискучих предметів, які вони зазвичай тягнуть до себе в гніздо. Бувають випадки, коли вони викрадають цінні речі.