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Put in A / AN or THE. Sometimes you don’t need either word – you leave it blank.

1. John Colloway is ……a……. bank manager. He works in ……a…… bank in ……the… center of ……… London. Every morning he gets up at seven o’clock, has ……… breakfast and ……… cup of ……….. coffee, and reads ……….”Times”. Then he goes to ………. work by …….. bus. In ………. morning, he usually makes ……….. telephone calls, sees ……….. customers and ………… dictates ………… letters. He has ………. lunch at ……….. restaurant near ……… bank. In ……….. afternoon he works until five or five-thirty, and then goes ………. home. He doesn’t work on ……….. Saturdays or Sundays; he goes to ………… cinema or reads. He likes …………. novels and ……….. history. He is not married. He has ……….. sister in ………. Oxford and ……….. brother in ……….. London.
2. Have you got ……….. camera?
3. You need ………. visa to visit ……….. foreign countries, but not all of them.
4. When we reached the city center, ………… shops were still open but most of them were already closed.
5. Jack has got ……….. very long legs, so he’s ……….. fast runner.
6. I’m looking for ………… job. And did Ann get ………. job she applied for?
7. Did ………. police find ………. person who stole your bicycle?
8. We went out for ………… meal last night. ………… restaurant we went to was excellent.
9. This morning I had ……….. boiled egg and toast for breakfast.
10. Tom always gives Ann …………. flowers on her birthday.
11. I went into the shop and asked to speak to ……….. manager.
12. There’s no need to buy any milk. …………. milkman brings it every morning.
13. It was warm and sunny, so we decided to sit in ………… garden.
14. Jane is ……….. teacher. Her parents were ……….. teachers too.
15. Bill’s got ……….. big feet.
16. Would you like to be ……….. actor?

Показать ответ
20.01.2021 22:40

1. If I were in your place, I would solve this problem.

2. If you do not establish the source of the problem, you will be fired.

3. If you were fired for layoffs last year, the company would pay you severance pay.

4. If I received additional benefits, I would get rid of the old car.

5. If the government invested more money in the factory, it would not close.

6. If you had a better prepared agenda, the meeting would have been more successful yesterday.

7. If your company has a team spirit, then you will quickly reach the goal.

8. I must complete the project, I can no longer put it off.

9. When you move to a new office, you will receive a reward.

10. If I received a reward, I would buy a new apartment.

11. If your company had a good reputation, you would not have a personnel leak.

12. If you had identified the source of the problems yesterday, you would have been able to move forward.

13. If the staff is well selected, then the staff will be more productive.

14. If he does not prepare a resume, he will not be invited to a meeting with the employer.

15. Why is recruiting a difficult task?

16. If I were getting a job now, I would prefer a regular job interview.

17. If our company fired layoffs last year, we would help them with employment.

18. If they started their business 5 years ago, they would now earn more profit.

19. If you told your boss the truth a year ago, he would not fire you

20. You must comply with the standards.

21. We look forward to a fee.

22. She quickly looked through her notes to offer a solution.

23. When I was a student, I often predicted exam results to my friends.

24.He was very tired of his work and was therefore looking forward to a career change. 25. The head of the department could not single anyone out, because All staff were well trained. 26. Pete went through a difficult exam and finally got a degree in marketing. 27. Filling a vacancy in a company is called hiring.

28. A well-chosen workforce results in productive work.

29. Managers cannot postpone the solution to this problem - the deadline is already on April 1.

30. Nobody looked after the equipment as it should, so it broke.

31. It is necessary to observe the traditions of the company.

32. We look forward to moving to a new office.

33. She quickly scanned the agenda.

34. When I was a senior manager, I often imposed my views on superiors.

35. He was a good manager when he worked for competitors.

36. In his youth, he smoked a lot, later quit, but it was too late, and he died of cancer.

37. Charisma is the ability to attract, influence, and inspire one's personal qualities.

39. A modern manager must pay attention to the environment in which he works.

40. Kate was a good accountant when she worked in our company (she later left her).

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07.10.2020 15:08
Обозначу сразу :
Present Simple - PS
Present Continuous - PC

Почему употребляется то или иное время становится понятно из перевода

1. They start work at 9.00 a.m (PS)
Они начинают работать в 9 утра
(действие постоянно повторяется)

2. He isn’t talking on the phone right now (PC)
Он не разговаривает по телефону прямо сейчас
(действие происходит в момент речи)

3. I don’t understand this rule right now (PS)
Я не понимаю это правильно прямо сейчас
Слово understand не употребляется в PC, поэтому PS

4. Do they redecorate their house this week? (PS)
Они отремонтируют из дома на этой неделе? Это как законченное действие
Можно конечно как и длительное, в PC
Тогда будет Are they redecorating

5. All cities and towns in Russia have schools and kindergartens (PS)
Все города и деревни в России имеют школы и детские сады
(это общеизвестный факт)

6. Tom doesn’t do gymnastics every morning (PS)
Том не делает гимнастику каждое утро
(действие повторяется)

7. This chocolate isn’t containing nuts now (PC)
Этот шоколад не содержит орехи сейчас
(действие происходит в момент речи)

8. Snow falls down in winter in Russia (PS)
Снег падает зимой в России
(это общеизвестный факт и происходит регулярно)

9. Do student often attend lectures? (PS)
Студенты часто посещают лекции?
(действие повторяющееся, регулярное)

10. Sam runs in the stadium once a week (PS)
Сэм бегает на стадионе раз в неделю
(действие регулярное)
0,0(0 оценок)
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