Put tag questions. a) Cambridge is formed from a variety of institutions, ……?
b) All the colleges are self-governing institutions within the university, ……?
c) It does not have a main campus, ……?
d) The university also operates eight cultural and scientific museums, ……?
e) Cambridge has educated many prominent scientists, politicians, lawyers,
philosophers, ……?
f) There are 31 colleges with 18,271 students with 9,823 academic and
administrative staff members at Cambridge University,…?
g) No college is as old as the university itself, ……?
h) Cambridge is now the only remaining United Kingdom university with femaleonly colleges, …..?
1.The customer said that that tennis racquet was very expensive.
2. Sanzhar said the hehad seen a great football match that day.
3. Gulnara and Akbota said that they are going to watch the
water polo match the following week.
4.They said to Ann that they would meet her at 2 pm.
5. Bakhytzhan said that he had taken part in the World Tin Bath Championships the year before.
6.Ulan said that Kanat had never seen a live race.
7.The man sais that he had paid for the bicycle with his credit card.
8. Nurzhan said that he would find out what time the bus left for Ascot
New Year’s Eve is my favorite holiday and I always look forward (ждать с нетерпением) to it.
New Year is the most long-awaited (долгожданный) holiday. Many people associate it with magic and gifts. First of all it is surrounded by the wonderful smell of tangerines and Christmas trees, which helps to create a festive mood (праздничное настроение)
На Новый год я и моя семья всегда украшаем дом и ёлку, дарим друг другу подарки, желая при этом успеха и удачи в Новом году.
Новый год – мой любимый праздник и я всегда жду его с особым нетерпением!
Новый год – это самый долгожданный праздник из всех. У многих людей он ассоциируется с волшебством и подарками. Во-первых, это всегда неповторимый аромат мандарин и новогодней ели, что создаёт праздничное настроение