Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form and read the jokes. 1) A son comes up to his father and asks, «Is it good to pu-
nish anybody for something this person ... (not to do)? » «Of
course not, Bobby», answers his father. «Well, I ... (not to
do) my homework, Dad».
2) old doctor: You ... (to cure) your patient. What is there to
worry about now?
Young doctor: I don't know which of the medicines (to
cure) him.
Итальянский мыслитель, философ, писатель, политический деятель, автор военно-теоретических трудов. Макиавелли занимал в правительстве Флоренции несколько должностей, самая значимая из которых - секретарь второй канцелярии, отвечавшей за дипломатические связи республики. Ключевым произведением Макиавелли считают «Государь», хоть это и не так. Его политические взгляды куда лучше отражают «История Флоренции» и «Рассуждения о первой декаде Тита Ливия», характеризующие его как сторонника республиканских идей, а не «сильной руки государя».
Italian thinker, philosopher, writer, political figure, author of military-theoretical works. Machiavelli held several positions in the government of Florence, the most important of which was Secretary of the second Chancery, responsible for the Republic's diplomatic relations. The key work of Machiavelli is considered "the Sovereign", although this is not so. His political views are much better reflected in the "History of Florence" and "Discourses on the first decade of Titus Livius", which characterize him as a supporter of Republican ideas, rather than "the strong hand of the sovereign".