Пытаюсь перевести. Но из своего перевода возникает чувство что я что-то упускаю, Что-то неправильно перевожу.
She doesn't do the 'direct attack' thing.”
Она не занимается "прямой атакой".”
Genevieve Fray is putting up a front, one that she buys into, at least a little.
Женевьева Фрэй выставляет свою кандидатуру, на которую она покупается, по крайней мере, немного.
That she's doing the right thing, that she's being fair, and being nice.
Что она поступает правильно, что она справедлива и добра.
Anyone that gets in her way is the bad guy.
Любой, кто встанет у нее на пути-плохой парень.
If and when she runs into trouble or if the plans fall through, or if push comes to shove, she gets to feel justified because she played fair, she was honest, and the bad guys were the ones who crossed the line.
Если и когда она попадает в беду, или если планы рушатся, или если дело доходит до драки, она чувствует себя оправданной, потому что она играла честно, она была честной, и плохие парни были теми, кто перешел черту.
That idea is worth more than whatever ground she might gain by outright lying.
Эта идея стоит больше, чем любая почва, которую она могла бы получить, откровенно солгав.”
When What Who Where
your last meal?
When was your last meal?
It was at half past seven.
Where were you at the weekend?
I was at home.
What was for your homework?
It was a geography project.
Where were you at seven o'clock in the morning?
I was still in bed.
Who were your first teachers?
They were Mrs Brown and Mr Black.
When were your last exams?
They were last Friday.
What was the weather like yesterday?
It was a bit cloudy but it was warm and it wasn't raining.
What was your first school?
It was the primary school in the town where I was born.
When was your last visit to the dentist?
It was a month ago.