Questions 1. Which advertisement is for professionals who want to learn English?
2. Which advertisement tells us about teaching in small groups?
3. What does ESP mean?
4. Who can join an ESP course?
5. What lessons does the second advert offer besides regular ones?
2. She stabbed her husband to death when he being drunk attacked her.
3. She was pleaded not guilty in the courtroom.
4. Mr. Hoperaft attacked his wife and tried to strangle her.
5. She had been beaten more than once and she was fightingt for her life.
6. On her wedding photos, she had a lot of bruises on her face.
7. She stated at the trial that her husband had beaten her seven or eight times.
8. There is a lot of inconsistency in the testimony of the spouses.
plus sides
if the monkeys free they can do evrething , they can stole a camera from fireign tourists and etc