Quick effect: livepure forskolin shows a very quick effect which is another highlighting feature of this formula. it gives the users hope that they will get to their dream body in a very short time and they will not have to wait for the whole year or so to get their fit bodies. ingredients of livepure forskolin livepure forskolin has some awesome ingredients that are involved in helping the user get rid of extra weight. the most notable of these ingredients is green tea extract. you might already know how effective this ingredient is in helping lose weight. it burns fat in the body and it also plays a role in removing toxins. so, along with making you livepure forskolin, livepure forskolin also cleanses your body and has a detoxifying ability. garcinia cambogia. many people are familiar with this ingredient because it is present in many ancient remedies.
Боб: Звучит великолепно! Есть ли у нас всё, что нужно?
Энн: Давай посмотрим в шкафах.
Боб: У нас есть немного пасты и немного томатного соуса.
Энн: Есть ли лук?
Боб: У нас много лука, но совсем нет чеснока.
Энн: А сыр есть?
Боб: Есть немного, но нет курицы. И не так много оливкового масла.
Энн: Хорошо, тогда давай составим список покупок.
æn: haʊ tuː meɪk ˈpæstə wɪð ˈʧɪkɪn ænd təˈmɑːtəʊ sɔːs fɔː ˈdɪnə təˈnaɪt?
bɒb: ðæt saʊndz greɪt! hæv wiː gɒt ˈɛvrɪθɪŋ wiː niːd?
æn: lɛts lʊk ɪn ðə ˈkʌpədz.
bɒb: wiːv gɒt sʌm ˈpæstə ænd sʌm təˈmɑːtəʊ sɔːs.
æn: ɑː ðeər ˈɛni ˈʌnjənz?
bɒb: wiːv gɒt ə lɒt ɒv ˈʌnjənz, bʌt ðeər ˈɪznt ˈɛni ˈgɑːlɪk.
æn: ɪz ðeər ˈɛni ʧiːz?
bɒb: ðeər ɪz sʌm, bʌt ðeər ˈɪznt ˈɛni ˈʧɪkɪn. ænd ðeər ˈɪznt mʌʧ ˈɒlɪv ɔɪl.
æn: ˈəʊ ˈkeɪ, lɛts meɪk ə ˈʃɒpɪŋ lɪst, ðɛn.