Раскрыть скобки 1. peter said that he never (to read) that text-book on transmission technologies2. for the first time the use of nitrogen (to realize) by rutherford by 1911.3. he said that that group of students (not to work) on the experiment for the last 2weeks.4. i wonder if the laws of motion (to discover) by isaac newton or galileo galilei.5. at the conference held last week in sweden russia (to represent) by someoutstanding physicians.
1.а Плюшевый мишка моей дочери, шары его детей, книга ее сыновей, пианино их родителей.
б My friend’s husband, my brother’s wife, my cousin’s family, my mother’s television, my dad’s book.
4,No, I swim badly.
I sometimes go to the zoo.
Yes, my parents watch TV
My mother plays piano.
5.I usually go to school six days a week. 2. He sometimes drives a car. 3. Do you always help your parents? 4. My cousins do not go to the zoo. 5. Does your son always wash his hands? 6. Her grandfather does not listen to music.
3 /1.Do you always go to the swimming bath?
2.Do your son help about the house?
3.Does Mary’s children go to school?
4.Do John sometimes play on the computer?
5.Do your parents live in Moscow?