расположите по порядку
a) предложения, в которых ing-форма является причастием i;
b) предложения, в которых ing форма является герундием.
1. a) when we entered the auditorium, we sawmany students writing at
the tables.
b) do you mind my writing with your pen?
c) he was writing a letter when i entered the room.
2. a) we all listened with great interest to the speaker criticizing the new
b) criticizing the work of our sports club, he said that it was not satisfac-
c) we were criticizing the work of our sanitary committee at that moment.
d) i have no objection to your criticizing me.
3. in this picture you can see a young man giving flowers to a girl.
4. running water is always better than standing water.
5. john likes studying history.
6. lydia could retell the english story she had read without looking into
the book.
7. everybody ran to meet the people returning from the city.
8. never jump offa moving train.
9. reading books out-of-doors is his favourite way of spending the summer
holidays, but he likes swimming and going on excursions. as well.
10. you can learn what the new words mean b
11. before going to meet his friend he went home to change his clothes.
12. the remaining cakes were given to the children.
13. the cakes, remaining from the evening, were given to the children.
14. they went out to meet the returning women.
15. returning home after a good holiday is always pleasant.
16. returning home after a good holiday he looked the picture of health.
17. they went home quickly, protecting themselves from the rain by walk-
mg under the trees.
18. in this factory much attention is paid to protecting the health of the
THE is the definite article. when you have ONE of something that is definite, you use THE. there is only one mississippi river, so you must use 'the'.
'an' is an indefinite article, not appropriate. if you have one of something thats not specific such as 'an apple'.
He will be twenty in a month.
'in a month' says this is in the future, so you need a future tense verb
'am' goes with 'I' always (I am ...)
'is' is present tense, but you could say 'he is going to be twenty in a month'
We might go to Peru next year. We're not sure.
'not sure' means it may not happen. 'might' is also uncertain
so 'should' means we need to do something
that's the woman whose son is an actor.
i am not sure why, just that this one is correct
This afternoon, we are going sandboarding
a) and b) are the same answer
'this afternoon' means future tense
'going to' states a plan or intention, where 'will' is used in a different sense, as in a promise or request for help
i'm bored of camping trips. let's go on a safari
'for' is definitely wrong
i have heard 'from' used, but i suspect it is not proper grammar
извините за все английский, мой руский не достаточно хорошо.