Рассчитываю на вашу )1a is a compensation (usually in the form of money) for service, efforts or achievements. royalty return rent rewardquestion 2a is a sum of money lent at interest. consumer bonus loan commissionquestion 3our company made a record last year. earn winning benefit profit
question 4you'll get a better of exchange at a bank. value rate charge worth question 5night workers will get paid double time for working unsocial hours. shift owl group time question 6sometimes when you have a very difficult choice to make, flipping a really helps. money coin currency
cash question 7in one-person business a single person is responsible for the or of the business. success; failure succeed; fail successful; failedquestion 8 is money taken in business; receipts. takings target taxquestion 9a(an) is a charge or payment for professional advice or services.
investment fee interest liabilityquestion 10the agreement will trade between our countries. increase add up inflate exaggeratequestion 11she gets a 15% on every car she sells. bonus salary compensation commission question 12does the design to the new regulations? conform consist confirm
agree question 13we will increase the amount of for women who are expecting babies. maternity time maternal leave maternity leave mothering leave question 14if they are not more careful with their accounts, they will poor penniless broken bankrupt question 15the president admitted taking
and had to resign. fees fines premiums bribes question 16all the workers in our firm get a christmas $ 100. bonus prize reward fine question 17he already pays 40% on his income. fee tax fare discount question 18his salary used to be $18,600, now he earns $23,000. his salary deducted
decreased increased question 19a lack of workers in a company or factory is called labour shortage short shorten question 20he left a on my desk saying he would be late for the meeting. notice note advertisement
Я просыпаюсь в 7 утра,быстро завтракаю и иду в школу.Уроки в школе начинаются в 8 и заканчиваются в 2 часа дня с Понедельника по Пятницу.У меня 30 учеников в классе и у меня по 6-7 уроков в день.Урок у нас идёт 45 минут и 10 минут перемены между уроками.Мои любимые уроки это история и математика.Эти предметы очень интересные.Мы обедаем в школьной столовой после большой перемены.У нас много интересных занятий в школе после уроков.По вторникам и четвергам у меня уроки игры на гитаре.
После школы я иду домой,перекусываю и начинаю делать домашнюю работу.У меня всегда много домашней работы,по этому я делаю 2-3 часа.Потом в 6 часов вечера,я ужинаю с моей семьёй.Я люблю это время,потому что в это время можно расслабится и побыть с семьёй.
После ужина,я обычно смотрю телевизор.Я люблю смотреть спортивные и музыкальные шоу.Иногда я играю в шахматы с моим папой.Обычно я ложусь спать в 10:30 вечера и читаю перед сном чтобы заснуть.
I think we can vote for the Moscow Underground. The Moscow Metro is recognized as the most beautiful underground railway system in the world. The Metro opened in 1935 and now it is the second largest underground railway system in the world. The Moscow underground has 177 stations and 7 million people travel on the Metro every day. The Moscow Metro map is like the London Tube map: it does not show true distances, it only shows how to get from one place to another. The Moscow Metro has been around for more than 70 years and has become part of our culture and history. To many, the Moscow Metro represents all that is great and beautiful in Russia.