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30.03.2021 22:29 •  Английский язык

Раздел 2. Чтение

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и из заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами A-G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1-8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. A greater choice

2. At any hour

3. Make sure if an online site is trustworthy

4. The main advantage

5. Online shoppers, who are they?

6. The methods are the same

7. The only inconvenience

8. Keep your shopping under control

The Internet has now become the shopping centre of America. An overwhelming 76% of online users have bought at least one product or service. Online shoppers are like a snapshot of a busy shopping centre on a Saturday afternoon. They are your husband, your wife, your girlfriend, your brother, your children, and even your grandparents. They are more or less half man, half woman – 51% to 49%.

Before the Internet, you would go to the shopping centre or buy through a mail order catalogue. With the evolution of online shopping, buying items is as easy as the click of a mouse. Both online and traditional shops have modern techniques which are used to make you to buy products. There’s a science behind what makes people spend money. Just like traditional shops can make you buy as many items as possible, online shops can, too: the people online are not different from the people who shop in real shops; they’re one and the same person.

Online shopping has its problems and risks, but it is still very popular. It is true that you definitely have to do your best to avoid these risks. However, the Internet is much better than traditional shopping. Unlike traditional stores, which often have times they’re closed, online shopping is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week from your computer or any mobile device. You can shop in the middle of the night, early in the morning, or any time is that is good for you. Online shops never close.

With the help of online shops, people can buy things from all over the world and at relatively cheaper prices with equally good quality. Online shopping is great, and it is no more risky than dealing with a physical shop. An online site is no more dangerous than using a credit card in a real shop. But the problem is not that not all online shops can be trusted. There will always be crime and always be criminals. So you should learn more before you start to shop online.

Shopping online is not without its problems or risks, but it suits perfectly those who do not wish to travel to a real store. Shopping online not only gives customers more choices, better prices, and product reviews, it gives shoppers a way to avoid long queues during busy shopping times, and it saves gas for shoppers. Also, the weather never affects the process of online shopping. The most trouble you’ll have with shopping online is going to the post office.

Online shopping is, for many reasons, much better than traditional shopping. First of all, there is a much broader selection of goods which you can buy. With the help of online shops, people can buy things from every corner of the world. More than that, there are many products that can be bought exclusively online. Shopping online people can buy things they cannot otherwise get. It is the perfect place to find everything you want to buy.

Before you go online, decide what exactly you are going to buy. Make a list of items you need and then keep to it. Avoid clicking on other items or recommendations to limit the wish to buy more than you have planned. Limit your shopping time so that you are focused only on what you are looking for. Set an online shopping budget and don’t spend more. Don’t shop when you are stressed. You might buy items you don’t really want or need.

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29.10.2021 21:52

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Outward appearance

In the books, Hermione is described as having "bushy brown hair"and brown eyes. Her front buck teeth, already very large, grow uncontrollably in Goblet of Fire after she is affected by a spell cast by Draco Malfoy. Madam Pomfrey attends to her in the hospital wing and, at her request, shrinks the teeth down to a normal size that matches her mouth. In the films, her hair is less bushy and she always has regular teeth.

There is controversy over whether Hermione's skin color was ever categorically established in the books. Some take as proof a line from Prisoner of Azkaban: "Hermione's white face was sticking out from behind a tree." They interpret this to be a direct description of her skin color. Others interpret it as a description relative to her usual complexion, arising due to fright and anxiety as she watches Harry Potter's attempt to save the hippogriff Buckbeak from execution. J.K. Rowling herself states that Hermione "turned white" in that she "lost colour from her face after a shock."

Conversely, another description from early in Prisoner of Azkaban can also be cited: "They were there, both of them, sitting outside Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour, Ron looking incredibly freckly, Hermione very brown, both waving frantically at him."Some claim that this is a direct description of her skin color, while others claim that it's a relative description of the results of a tan acquired over the summer break.


Hermione's most prominent features include her prodigious intellect and cleverness. She is levelheaded, book-smart, and always very logical. Throughout the series, Hermione uses the skills of a librarian and teacher to gather the information necessary to defeat Voldemort, the "Dark Lord". When in doubt, it is to the school library that Hermione always turns to. She is often bossy yet unfailingly dutiful and loyal to her friends—a person who can always be counted on. J.K. Rowling stated that Hermione is a person that, "never strays off the path; she always keeps her attention focused on the job that must be done." Despite Hermione's intelligence and bossy attitude, Rowling says that Hermione has "quite a lot of vulnerability in her personality," as well as a "sense of insecurity underneath," feels, "utterly inadequate... and to compensate, she tries and strives to be the best at everything at school, projecting a confidence that irritates people." During her Defence Against the Dark Arts exam at the end of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione reveals that her biggest fear is failure after a Boggart takes the form of Professor McGonagall and tells her that she has failed all her exams.

Hermione is extremely compassionate and is very quick to help others, especially those who are defenceless, such as Neville Longbottom, first-years, House-Elves, fellow Muggle-borns, half-giants like Hagrid, and werewolves like Lupin. It was revealed by J.K. Rowling after the publication of the final book that Hermione's career in the Ministry was to fight for the rights of the oppressed and disenfranchised (such as House-elves or Muggle-borns). Hermione is also very protective of her friends and values them so much that Rowling has suggested that, if Hermione had looked in the Mirror of Erised, she would have seen Harry, Ron, and herself "alive and unscathed, and Voldemort finished." Hermione has also learned to ignore what bullies such as Draco Malfoy say to her, often preventing Harry and Ron from retaliating and thinking of some way to outsmart him. She accepts her status as a Muggle-born witch, and states in Deathly Hallows that she is "a Mudblood and proud of it"

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15.03.2020 14:23
1. The pupil answered that Paris was the capital of friends.
2. Dad said not to show the dog that I was afraid.
3.Nick asked what I was doing the next day and invited to go for a walk. I answered that I could go then and would be ready in few minutes.
4.Mum asked who would stay with the baby while I worked.
5. The girl admitted that she hadn't had such a good time since she had fallen ill. (проверьте написание слова feel - должно быть fell . Если все же написано feel, тогда в предложении вместо -had fallen будет fell.
6.My brother asked why I had had to get up so early that day.
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