Read and act out a situation. You're talking with your English-speaking friend Jane. She is
sharing with you her memories about her family trips. Listen and ask
questions to get more information.
Jane: I remember our family road trips. We had them almost every
summer. We went to Brighton to visit our Aunt Emily and Uncle
George. It took us more than four hours to get there. When we tre-
Delled, my mum usually drove. I sat in the back passenger seat with
my suitcase. It was full of different things. I met my friends. We had
a lot of fun at the seaside.
Также у нас есть огромный школьный двор. Там есть маленькая футбольная площадка, различные турники. Когда бывает теплая погода, наши уроки физкультуры проходят там.
Приезжай ко мне в гости и я покажу тебе мою школу.
Dear Alex! Hello! I want to tell you about my school. The building my school is red. It has 4 floors. My classes begin at 8.30. I'm in the 7th grade. We study a lot of subjects. I like history, literature and mathematics. Our school has a large sports hall. In it we physical education. And some guys go in the sections of basketball, volleyball and football. Our school participates in various competitions, and sometimes wins them. We also have a huge school yard. There is a small football pitch, various climbing frames. When the weather is warm, our physical education classes are held there. Come to visit me and I'll show you my school.
Что касается методов изучения иностранных языков хочу сказать, что они должны быть в комплексе. Человеку необходимо выучить много слов, много читать литературы, заниматься грамматикой и, конечно, очень много слушать иностранную речь. Я искренне считаю, что разговорную речь невозможно выучить самому, я думаю, что лучший выучить иностранный язык это индивидуальные занятия с репетитором или групповые курсы глубокого погружения. Но самое, главное, у человека должно быть огромное желание научиться говорить на иностранном языке.
В заключение хочу сказать, что каждый выбирает свой метод изучения иностранных языков и сам идет к своей цели.
Learning foreign languages has become very important in our modern society. People began to communicate with their peers living abroad more and more . They have more opportunities to visit different countries. On the one hand, you can use the services of an interpreter and not to learn any foreign language. But on the other hand a person's educational level depends on knowledge of foreign languages too. I believe that an educated person should know at least one foreign language.
As for the methods of learning foreign languages I would like to say that they must be different. People have to learn a lot of words by heart, to read plenty of literature, to study many grammar rules and, of course, to hear a foreign speech. I honestly think that studying of any foreign language is impossible if you decide to learn it by yourself, I think that the best way to learn any foreign language, is by means of individual lessons with a tutor or group courses. But most importantly, that a person must have great desire to learn speaking a foreign language.
In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone has his or her own methods of learning foreign languages and goes to one's goal.